2024-2025 Catalog


Doctoral Programs

The School of Nursing and Health Professions has two doctoral level programs:

Occupational Therapy Doctorate

Doctorate of Physical Therapy

Within the College of Arts and Sciences, doctoral programs comply with CAS policies unless otherwise stated here or in their doctoral handbooks. Please note that doctoral students are expected to abide by Community Standards and University Policies when they are on campus, in IWU housing, in the presence of IWU undergraduate students, or while attending IWU-sponsored events.

Academic Calendar

CAS Doctoral programs abide by the academic terms of the residential campus, but may have unique calendars to account for the doctoral curriculum and participation in national professional organizations. Calendars are posted in advance and available to students on the student portal page and information provided from each program.

Academic Catalog

Students who maintain continuous enrollment, who make standard progress toward a degree, and who earn their degree within the time frame established by their designated program must meet the graduation requirements as stated in the catalog under which they enrolled. Students who withdraw from Indiana Wesleyan University for more than one or more terms, may be required to re-enroll under the catalog of the graduation requirements stated in the catalog under which they resume enrollment.

Academic Standing

Students enrolled in CAS doctoral programs are regarded as members of the academic community of Indiana Wesleyan University and are responsible for fulfilling all requirements within the standards of conduct as required by doctoral residential students and their program handbook. Continued enrollment in the program is at all times subject to review of the student's academic record and of the student's actions with regard to observance of university policies and regulations. Policies and regulations can be found in the student handbook of the student's respective program and/or IWU Catalog.


Indiana Wesleyan University welcomes applications for admission from any academically qualified person whose motivation is in keeping with the university's purposes. Admission is based on the careful review of all credentials presented by an applicant, but in no case is admission denied due to race, color, national origin, disability, religion, or gender. Applications for CAS Doctoral programs are managed by the Centralized Application System for each program.

Admission decisions are made without regard to disabilities. All prospective students are expected to present academic credentials that meet or exceed the minimum requirements for admissions. Prospective students with disabilities are not required to identify themselves to Admissions or Disability Services. However, those interested in receiving academic accommodations are encouraged to connect with Disability Services at 765-677-2257 or ADARequest@indwes.edu as early as possible to allow for a review of documentation and the formulation of an accommodation plan.

Students are admitted in one of the following categories:

• Admitted - Students who satisfactorily meet all requirements will be granted standard admission with no restrictions.
• Provisional Admission – Students who are missing an admission requirement may be accepted on a temporary basis pending final documentation. Final documentation must be submitted prior to student matriculation and/or the date indicated in admission materials.

International/Non-English Speaking Students

Students who do not speak English as their first and primary language must submit satisfactory scores from one of the following prior to admission to the university:

• Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A score of at least 600 (paper-based), 250 (computer-based), or 100 (Internet-based) is required for regular academic admission.
• International English Language Testing System (IELTS). For graduate students a score of at least 6.5 is required; for doctoral students a score of at least 7.0 is required for regular academic admission.

Program Progression

CAS Doctoral students are required to earn a specified GPA to qualify for graduation. Refer to each program’s catalog section and program handbook for specific details concerning academic probation, suspension, and dismissal policies.


Registration occurs at the beginning of the student's program and before the start of each term of study. Students will be continuously registered in classes for each subsequent term unless the student submits notice of their withdrawal from the program. Students' enrollment in courses will also be dropped or withdrawn and inactivated if they do not maintain their academic standing in the program or dismissed from the institution. Students are responsible to notify Registration & Academic Services (RAS) if they do not want to be registered for future terms, otherwise, they are responsible for all potential incurred costs and may fail their registered courses.

A student may also be dropped or withdrawn from courses if they fail to make arrangements for the payment of tuition for registered courses. Students may be dropped or withdrawn due to non-attendance.

Students will be continuously enrolled with their program cohort. Students who deviate from the course of plan, need to contact their program director and RAS to determine their plan of study moving forward.

The last day for CAS Doctoral students to drop a course from their transcript is the first day of each term, after that date, students will be withdrawn and receive a "W" on their transcript.

Attendance Policies

Students enrolled in CAS doctoral programs are expected to attend all sessions of classes for which they are registered. Absences may be excused through written documentation for absence related to a documented diagnosis, illness requiring hospitalization, death of a first-degree relative, or other emergencies. Written documentation must be provided to the course instructor prior to planned absences and as soon as possible after an unexpected absence.

A pattern of unexcused absences is considered unprofessional and will be addressed early. A plan of action will be created after two unexcused absences. If the pattern continues, unexcused absences could result in course failure and/or dismissal from the program. The student is responsible directly to the instructor for all classes missed and to see that all work is made up. A student failing to attend classes and not withdrawing officially will receive a grade of "F."

Students may be administratively withdrawn from any registered class that is not attended by the last day to drop a class in any term.

Incomplete Grades

Students are to complete the course requirements by the last class session. However, extenuating circumstances may prevent the student from completing the course requirements in a timely manner. In these rare situations, to prevent grade penalization, a student may request an incomplete grade ("I") if he/she has met the course attendance requirements and completes the following process:

• Via email communication, the student must request an "I" from the instructor.
• The instructor must obtain approval from the appropriate Program Director

The due date of the incomplete grade is selected by the instructor/Program Director, but cannot be later than the end of the next term. Refer to the incomplete policy and each program’s handbook for additional details. A student who received an “I” has until the date decided on by the instructor/Program Director up to the beginning of the next term to complete the work and receive a grade.


Graduation Ceremonies - IWU graduation ceremonies (Commencement) are held two times a year. Degrees are conferred and posted to the student's transcript on these dates. Four additional conferral dates are available in between the graduation ceremonies in which degrees may be conferred and posted to the student's transcript should all requirements be completed.

Each student must complete an Application for Graduation to the Registration & Academic Services one year before their intended date of graduation. They are responsible to work with their Faculty Advisor to ensure that is submitted. This application indicates the student's intent to graduate and initiates the final evaluation of the student's academic record.

Students are also asked to inform the University as to whether they will be attending the ceremony. This allows the university to determine the number of tickets available for students who are attending. If a student cannot attend graduation due to unforeseen circumstances, the degree is still conferred; however, attendance at future graduation for that degree is not an option.

Graduation Requirements - Doctoral students must have all requirements complete to participate in a graduation ceremony. 'IWU-Marion doctoral students with outstanding assignments, clinical rotation days, course incomplete, or any other outstanding requirements are not eligible for participation in graduation ceremonies.

Diplomas - Diplomas are mailed after the conferment of degrees. Diplomas indicate degree earned and date of degree. A student's financial account must be settled to receive a diploma.

Late Policy

Policies for tardiness, patterns of tardiness and late work submission can be found in course syllabi.

Grade Appeal 

A grade appeal involves only those situations in which a student believes that an instructor (a) has not followed fair grading practice or (b) has not followed his or her published grading policy. Refer to program handbooks for policies and procedures.

Transfer Credit Policy

The doctoral programs at IWU-Marion do not accept credits transferred into the programs. Displaced students may petition for special consideration and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Withdrawal/Change in Status

If a student officially withdraws after a course has started, a grade of "W" will be assigned. An "F" will be assigned to a student who stops attending but does not officially withdraw. Students who never attend a class and do not withdraw will be administratively withdrawn from the course and from all subsequent courses. Students must then go through the normal readmittance process to return to class.

Undergraduate and Graduate Crossover Policy

The design of the doctoral residential programs is that all courses are required to be taken within the designated program according to the order and progression of the stated program.


Indiana Weselayan