2023-2024 Catalog


Criminal Justice - B.S.


The curriculum of the Criminal Justice major is designed to prepare students for positions in law enforcement, probation and other court services, corrections, or one of the many other agencies connected with the criminal justice system.

The Criminal Justice major helps students understand three areas that comprise the criminal justice system: law enforcement, the courts, and corrections. A major objective of the program is to provide a biblical Christian response to three basic questions: What conduct is (or should be) prohibited by law? How is it determined that a person is guilty of such conduct? What is (or should be) done with those who are found guilty?

A required practicum gives senior students on-site experience through placement with a police or sheriff department, probation department, prosecutor's office, or another agency.

The Criminal Justice major can be combined with other coursework to prepare students for law school or graduate studies in criminal justice. The major is often combined with another discipline, allowing a student to graduate with a double major. Sociology, political science, psychology, addictions counseling, business, history, and Spanish are excellent combinations with criminal justice.


The Criminal Justice major consists of 41 hours.

Requirements (41 credits)

Required Core Courses (20 credits)

CRJ-181Introduction to Criminal Justice


BIO-109Forensic Science (with Lab)


CRJ-202Introduction to Corrections




CRJ-268Crisis Intervention


CRJ-485Practicum in Criminal Justice


CRJ-490Criminal Justice Senior Seminar


Criminal Justice Electives (21 credits)

Any other courses with a CRJ prefix. A minor in CRJ consists of 24 credit hours in selected CRJ courses.

General Education Competencies

Students in this major meet the general education competencies by taking the approved standard courses.

Indiana Weselayan