2023-2024 Catalog


Appeal Process/ Application for Re-enrollment

It is the responsibility of the DPT faculty to exercise their professional judgment in determining a student’s competence to continue in the program. The student’s academic standing as well as his/her demonstration of professional behaviors is considered. Acceptable academic performance is only one indicator of a student’s ability to perform as a physical therapist. A student who achieves acceptable academic standing but does not demonstrate acceptable professional behavior may not be allowed to continue in the program, may not be allowed to begin clinical education experiences, and/or may be dismissed from the DPT program.

When a student is dismissed from the DPT program, he/she may not register for classes for the upcoming term until and unless his/her appeal is granted. If classes have already been pre-registered, they must be canceled. Additionally, dismissed students must meet with their faculty advisor for academic counseling and completion of appropriate forms. An exit interview with the DPT Chairperson and/or the academic advisor is required.

If a student has been dismissed from the program, he/she may petition the faculty for re-enrollment one (1) time. Faculty, at their discretion, may grant the appeal and determine appropriate remediation strategies. A student dismissed and reinstated once cannot appeal a subsequent dismissal that may be triggered by the above criteria. The steps of the appeal are as follows:

  • After receiving notification of dismissal, the student is required to schedule a meeting with his/her academic advisor to discuss whether he/she wish to apply for re-enrollment. If the student wishes to apply for re-enrollment, the advisor will review the criteria and requirements as outlined below.
    • The student must write a formal letter to the faculty requesting re-enrollment, discussing the reasons or circumstances that led to dismissal as well as the steps that the student plans to take to improve his/her performance should he/she be re-enrolled.
      • The student must present the letter verbally to faculty during a scheduled faculty meeting and answer questions directed by faculty.
    • DPT faculty members will be given a copy of the student’s letter and will confidentially discuss whether the student will be re-enrolled after meeting with the student.
  • Re-enrollment Policies
    • If a DPT student is granted re-enrolled as a result of a failing grade (< “C+“), the student will re-take the course the next time it is offered and must develop a remediation plan with their advisor and course instructor to insure academic success. The student cannot continue with their original cohort.
    • If a DPT student is re-enrolled as a result of deficient Professional Behaviors, the student must develop an action plan to improve his/her professional behaviors to an adequate level which may include meeting with counselors in Student Health Services. The student will have one (1) additional term to fulfill the requirements of the developed action plan.
  • Once a decision is made, the student’s academic advisor and/or the DPT Chairperson will inform the student in person or telephone and with an emailed official letter of the faculty decision.
Indiana Weselayan