2019-2020 Catalog


Spanish Education (P-12 Certification)

Definition and Purpose

The Spanish Education major requires a core program in Spanish of 39-51 hours with a minimum of three credit hours in a Spanish-speaking country. A prerequisite of six hours of beginning Spanish or demonstration of beginning-level proficiency by examinations required. Student will also be required to fulfill the general education requirements and the professional education requirements for a teaching degree. The Spanish Education major will equip students with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary for becoming highly qualified Spanish teachers. The program requires that all graduating seniors function at the ADVANCED level of proficiency in Spanish as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) guidelines (intermediate high is required by the state). The Spanish Education major will do the following: equip students with a well-rounded understanding of Spanish grammar and Hispanic literature, history and culture; prepare them to teach using the best methods and technology available for second language acquisition; and require Spanish language and cultural immersion experience in the local community and overseas. Prerequisite: SPA-117 and SPA-118 or beginning-level competency by examination.

Education Courses (38-40 credits)

EDU-130American Education


Educational Technology

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EDU-296Secondary School Observation/ Participation

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EDU-240Educational Psychology


EDU-250Principles of Teaching


PSY-276Psychology of the Exceptional Learner


EDU-324Disciplinary Literacy


EDU-382Methods of Teaching Senior High/ Junior High/Middle School Subjects



EDU-382TEMethods of Teaching Sr High/Jr High/ Middle School Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

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EDU-382CMethods of Teaching Senior High/Junior High/Middle School Practicum


SPA-380PElementary Spanish Education Practicum


EDU-492Supervised Student Teaching Sr High/Jr High/Middle School/Elementary (P-12)


EDU-495Student Teaching Seminar


Spanish Courses (39-51 credits)

Language Courses (18-21 credits)

ENG-170Introduction to Linguistics


SPA-117Beginning Spanish I


SPA-118Beginning Spanish II


SPA-237Intermediate Spanish I


SPA-238Intermediate Spanish II


SPA-347Advanced Spanish I Conversation I


SPA-349Advanced Spanish II


Students are required to pass SPA-117, SPA-118, SPA-237, SPA-238, and SPA-347 with a minimum grade of "C" before advancing to the next level.

The foreign language coordinator may, however, grant some students permission to take another upper-division class at the same time that they are taking SPA-349.

CLEP Policy

Students may not elect to take SPA- 117, SPA- 118, SPA-237, or SPA-238 after successfully completing SPA-347, SPA-349, or any other upper-level course, but may pursue CLEP credit prior to completing SPA-349 or with the approval of the foreign language coordinator.

Students may CLEP SPA 117, SPA 118, or SPA 237 for credit. However, students must CLEP these courses prior to completing SPA 349 or with the approval of the foreign language coordinator to receive credit for their major or minor.

AP Policy

Incoming freshmen who, prior to their enrollment at Indiana Wesleyan University, pass the AP Spanish Language Exam with a minimum score of 4 will receive credit for SPA-237 and SPA-238. Students who pass the AP Spanish Language Exam with a minimum score of 3 will be awarded credit for SPA-117 and SPA-118. AP credit for these courses will not meet intercultural competency.

All Spanish Education majors must do the following prior to taking advanced level classes:

  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the major.
  • Take and pass the basic skills competency exam.
  • Successfully complete the DAP interview.
  • Successfully complete a "reading on demand" and "writing on demand" in Spanish.

Spanish Electives (18 credits)

SPA-348Culture and Civilization of Latin America


SPA-354Latin American History


SPA-357Spanish Linguistics and Phonology


Special Topics in Hispanic Studies

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SPA-370Hispanic Culture and Language Studies


SPA-371Hispanic Culture in the U.S.


SPA-372Culture and Civilization of Spain


SPA-420Advanced Spanish Grammar


SPA-457Survey of Spanish Literature


SPA-458Survey of Spanish American Literature


SPA-461Contemporary Spanish Literature


SPA-462Spanish Short Stories


SPA-465Special Topics in Spanish Literature

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Senior Seminar (3 credits)

SPA-470Spanish Capstone


Foreign Study Experience

Students may transfer a 300 or 400 level course taken abroad that focuses on the history, culture or literature of a Spanish-speaking country or the theory or practical use of the Spanish language for credit. Must be taught in Spanish and must be from an approved, accredited program.

If a student decides not to pursue CLEP credit prior to completing SPA 349, he or she must study abroad in Seville, Spain, for one semester in order to earn the remaining credits and graduate in 4 years. Students are highly encouraged to study abroad.

All Spanish Majors and Minors are strongly encouraged to study abroad through IWU-sponsored or IWU -approved programs during their junior year.

Students should consult with the Foreign Language Coordinator, the Global Engagement Office, as well as their faculty advisor before taking courses abroad to ensure that they are appropriate.

Prerequisite: SPA 349, junior standing, and approval from the Foreign Language Coordinator.

Indiana Weselayan