2019-2020 Catalog


General Studies - B.S.

Requirements for B.S. degree

Completion of the general education requirements--B.S. degree: (48-54 credits)

Concentration in one subject area (30 credits)

With GPA of 2.25 (9 credits must be taken at IWU)

See subject areas below

Upper level, 300-400 courses (18 credits)

Electives (22-28 credits)

Total credits for graduation (124 credits)


courses with ART, DES, or PHO prefixes


courses with ACC, BUS, ENT, FIN, MKG, or MNG prefixes


courses with COM or THR prefixes

Mathematics and Computer Sciences

courses with CIS or MAT prefixes

Modern Languages and Literature

courses with CHI, ENG, FRE, SPA, TSL, or WRI prefixes


courses with MUS prefixes

Behavioral Sciences

courses with ADC, CNS, CRJ, PSY, SOC, SDC, or SWK prefixes

Social Sciences

courses with ECO, GEO, HST, INR, or POL prefixes

Teacher Education

courses with EDS or EDU prefixes and discipline specific concentrations

Health and Human Performance

courses with ATR, PHE, or REC prefixes

Natural Sciences

courses with BIO, CHE, EAR, PHY, PMD, or SCI prefixes


courses with NUR prefixes

Theology and Ministry

courses with BIL, CED, CDV, GRE, HBR, INT, LAT, MIN, PHL, REL, THE, WOR, or YTH prefixes

Indiana Weselayan