2017-2018 Catalog


Division of Pre-licensure Nursing

Pre-licensure Nursing programs lead to a Bachelor of Science Nursing (B.S.N.) degree. There are two programs of study available to students: nursing traditional format (four year) and Transition to Nursing (accelerated second degree). The undergraduate program prepares men and women for professional nursing practice and provides a foundation for advanced study in nursing. Following successful completion of the curriculum, students are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) in Indiana or other states subject to that state's guidelines and regulations.

The Pre-licensure Nursing programs are accredited by the Indiana State Board of Nursing and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).

The Pre-licensure Nursing programs are committed to educating professional nurses prepared to change their world of influence through nursing practices grounded in the Christian ethos. The mission of the division is to provide quality nursing education within a Christian liberal arts university that equips professional nurse generalists for practice in diverse environments.

The nurse is perceived as a purposeful, self-directed individual who assumes responsibility and accountability to God, society, self, and clients who, made in the image of God, have intrinsic worth and value. Modeling the example of Jesus Christ, nurses are to protect and promote health, especially for people lacking access to health care, through the just allocation of health resources and services throughout the world.

General Education Competencies

Students in this major meet the general education competencies by taking the approved courses.

Outcomes of the Pre-licensure Nursing Program

The outcomes of the Pre-licensure Nursing program are to:

  1. Call students to Christian character.
  2. Expect students to develop academic excellence.
  3. Equip students for success in the profession.
  4. Mentor students in leadership.
  5. Prepare students for service.

Pre-licensure Nursing Entrance Requirements

High school courses that provide a foundation for nursing are biology, chemistry, English, mathematics, speech, algebra, social studies, and writing. Students should submit the university application to the director of admissions at Indiana Wesleyan University. Acceptance will be in accordance with the established admission policies. Students are advised to declare pre-nursing as the choice of major when applying for admission.

Admission and Progression in the Pre-licensure Nursing Major

The Admission and Progression Committee approves admission to the Pre-licensure Nursing major. The following criteria must be met for admission to the major at the sophomore level:

  1. Completion of 29 credits.
  2. Minimum GPA of 2.75.
  3. Minimum grade of "C" in all supporting courses, (A & P I, A & P II, IOBC, Micro; wet labs required, speech communications, and psychology).
  4. Completion of health clearance form.
  5. CPR certification.
  6. Certified criminal background check.
  7. Completion of math requirement - MAT-107 or higher (prefer MAT113).
  8. Test of Essential Academic Skills with a score of 65% or higher.

Application forms for admission to the nursing major may be obtained from the office of the Division of Pre-licensure Nursing. All admission requirements must be completed by May 31 for September admission into the nursing major or December 22 for January admission.

Once a student is admitted to the nursing program, he or she must complete all coursework within 4 1/2 years (9 semesters). Progression through the major requires a minimum cumulative and major GPA of 2.75, a minimum grade of ā€œCā€ in all nursing courses, health clearance, and current CPR certification. Progression is monitored by the Admission and Progression Committee.


There is a one-time assessment testing fees and program fee. Clinical and lab fees will be assessed every semester.


Probation in the Division of Pre-licensure Nursing applies to students having a cumulative and/or major GPA less than 2.75 and/or who are repeating a nursing course. See details in the Pre-licensure Nursing Student Handbook.

Advanced Standing in Nursing

Transfer Students

Admission with prior credit is granted to those who meet the university requirements and who have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale from the transferring institution. It is recommended that transfer into the program be made no later than the first semester of the sophomore year. Students contemplating transfer into the program from another college or university must contact the School of Nursing for the transfer policy and:

  1. Be admitted to the university.
  2. Must have their nursing course syllabi and science course syllabi approved by the School of Nursing and the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (wet labs required).
  3. To be considered for full admission into the nursing major, all admission criteria and credit transfers must be completed by May 31 for September admission, or December 22 for January admission.
  4. Must complete three semesters of clinical nursing courses in the IWU School of Nursing program (minimum of 1 1/2 years residency requirement).
  5. Transfer of clinical courses requires successful completion of appropriate skills proficiency exams. See Orientation, Registration and Credit Options.
  6. For students accepted into the Pre-licensure Nursing Program (traditional track) at IWU, previously completed college nursing courses (C or higher from regionally accredited colleges/universities) will be evaluated for IWU course equivalency as long as they are no more than five years old from the time of completion to the time of starting the nursing program at IWU. If the time limit criterion is met, course syllabi and course calendar from the transfer institution will be evaluated for IWU course equivalency.

All criteria for acceptance will be successfully completed before any nursing coursework is attempted.

College of Arts and Sciences

Students pursuing majors in Pre-licensure Nursing are also subject to all the pertinent policies and procedures as defined in the College of Arts and Sciences. Below are links to the academic policies and procedures for the College of Arts and Sciences:

Orientation, Registration and Credit Options

Schedule Changes and Withdraws

Study Abroad

Academic Policies

Academic Requirements

Competency and Proficiency Requirements - Bachelor's Degree

General Education Requirements - Bachelor's Degree

Graduation Requirements and Procedures

Student Development

Financial Information

Indiana Weselayan