2017-2018 Catalog
2017-2018 Catalog > Courses > HST - History > 400
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A study of the origin and development of the United States Constitution with emphasis on leading Supreme Court decisions. Gives credit for History, Political Science Pre-Law, or Political Science majors. Prerequisites: HST-211 and HST-212 or POL-100.
A specialized study of World War II within the context of world history. It emphasizes the fracturing of the world order with the rise of Japanese, German, and Italian imperialism. It also gives an overview of the military strategies and conduct of the war in the major theaters of operations, as well as the impact of "total war" on the civilian populations of the various home fronts, with a special focus on the Nazi Holocaust. Prerequisite: HST-180, HST-212 or HST-190.
A survey of historical writing and philosophies of history. Practice in the methodology of research and writing. Required of all History majors. Prerequisite: Upper-division status.
Individually arranged research and writing in history. Prerequisite: Consent of the department.
Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing with 3.0 GPA and consent of the department.