2016-2017 Catalog


Advanced Standing with Credit

Graduates of undergraduate programs with relevant theological courses in Bible, theology, church history, and cultural contexts, and who enroll in the Seminary may receive advanced standing with credit on the basis of competence achieved in certain undergraduate courses. Advanced standing with credit (up to twelve semester hours toward the MDiv degree and up to six semester hours toward the MA degree) may be granted for the courses listed below under the following conditions:

  • The courses were taken at a regionally accredited or ABHE accredited institution. The Seminary reserves the right to determine whether or not courses are equivalent.
  • A student has received at least a "B" in the specific courses as indicated with at least one course on the 300 level and no course below the 200 level, and
  • The student successfully demonstrates competency of the required graduate course outcomes through either an oral or written assessment performed by a designated academic representative of the seminary.
    • BIBL-500 The Bible as Christian Scripture - credit may be granted for this course if the student has successfully completed a hermeneutics/exegetical method course and at least one upper level Bible course.
    • THEO-500 Introduction to Christian Theology - credit may be granted for this course if the student has successfully completed at least two theology courses that together cover the primary topics of systematic theology.
    • CHST-500 Global Christian History - credit may be granted for this course if the student has successfully completed at least two church history courses that together cover Christian history from the early church to the present.
    • MISS-500 Cultural Contexts of Ministry - credit may be granted for this course if the student has successfully completed at least two courses that cover at least two of the following topics: cultural anthropology, urban ministry, cross-cultural ministry, or denominational history.

A student wishing to receive advanced standing with credit for BIBL-500, THEO-500, and CHST-500 must submit the application three months prior to the first day of the month in which the course is offered in the student's cohort schedule. The student will be notified of the designated faculty member's decision by the first day of the following month. Students who do not submit by this deadline will not be eligible for advanced standing with credit.

Indiana Weselayan