2016-2017 Catalog


Occupational Therapy Doctorate

The entry-level Doctor of Occupational Therapy Degree (OTD) is a comprehensive 105 credit-hour program designed to prepare graduates with the requisite knowledge and skills for practice as professional occupational therapists. The program is designed for students who have successfully earned a baccalaureate degree (or higher) in any field of study, and have also completed the required ten prerequisite courses necessary to prepare them for the OTD program’s curricular content.  The OTD program is designed with a significant number of interprofessional education courses (IPE) included in the curriculum model.  The conscious inclusion of interprofessional courses is a direct response to both ACOTE accreditation recommendations and the movement within health professions education to better prepare healthcare practitioners for teamwork and successful collaboration in their eventual employment settings. 

The OTD program will utilize the Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance (PEOP) framework as a primary guiding model, while also incorporating concepts and language from the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF).  The PEOP model was selected for several reasons.  First, the model is attractive for its focus on "occupation" as the core construct of the occupational therapy profession.  The centrality of occupation in the model naturally leads to interventions based upon purposeful engagement in occupations that are necessary and meaningful to the client.  Another feature of the PEOP model which makes it attractive to our program is the importance placed on client-centered care, including the definition of "client," which encompasses individuals, organizations, and communities.  The focus of the model on occupational performance and participation helps students to see the link between the curricular design and the OTPF, which also stresses occupational performance and participation.  Another important construct of the PEOP model which fits well into the curricular design at IWU is the emphasis on interprofessional teamwork in healthcare.  And finally, the PEOP is appealing to Indiana Wesleyan University and our OTD program as it validates the importance of spirituality in the everyday lives of occupational therapy clients.

Vision and Mission

The vision of the Indiana Wesleyan University Occupational Therapy Program is to glorify God by changing the world of healthcare through the preparation of students who fully embrace the art and science of the occupational therapy, thus enabling graduates to provide compassionate, creative, ethical, and evidence-based services in an increasingly diverse and technologically advanced world. 

The mission of the Occupational Therapy Program is to provide a Christ-centered curriculum to educate practitioners who will collaborate interprofessionally to promote client-centered, occupation-based practice and provide servant leadership within their communities.  We value an active learning environment that fosters the holistic personal and professional development of students, faculty, and community members.

OTD Program Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of the proposed program mirror outcomes developed by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE), and the desired outcomes of Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) graduate education. Upon completion of the OTD program, graduates are expected to demonstrate competence in the following areas:

  • SERVANT LEADERSHIP: Graduates of the Indiana Wesleyan OTD program will change the world through the demonstration of servant leadership skills. This leadership will be evident through their active involvement in, and service to local, state, and national occupational therapy and related health professions organizations.
  • MORAL CHARACTER: Graduates of the Indiana Wesleyan OTD program will work to change the world by addressing individual, institutional, and societal issues of marginalized communities and populations in order to promote occupational justice. They will consistently articulate and demonstrate ethical, Christ-like attitudes, values, and worldview in their professional behaviors.
  • SCHOLARSHIP/RESEARCH: Graduates of the Indiana Wesleyan OTD program will change the world by increasing the body of knowledge in occupational therapy practice. They will conduct scholarly research guided by their personal conviction for critical thinking and lifelong learning. They will disseminate their scholarship through interdisciplinary professional presentations and/or publications that will further the profession of occupational therapy and the health and well-being of the communities in which they practice.
  • GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: Graduates of the Indiana Wesleyan University OTD program will have unique exposure to the occupational issues faced by diverse populations and communities through practical experience gained in a transcultural trip which is an integral part of the curriculum model. They will be better prepared to address the occupational needs of culturally and socioeconomically diverse communities as a result of this experience. 
  • EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE: Graduates of the Indiana Wesleyan OTD program will correctly evaluate, synthesize, and apply occupational therapy scientific knowledge in such a way as to create effective intervention programs and/or protocols that are culturally inclusive and client-centered.
  • OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY THEORY: Graduates of the Indiana Wesleyan OTD program will successfully utilize theoretical models and practice frameworks when developing systems for the delivery of occupational therapy services. Graduates will successfully integrate theoretical principles of the profession into programs that meet the occupational needs of the communities and populations in which they practice.
  • ADVOCACY: Graduates of the Indiana Wesleyan OTD program will passionately and effectively influence the world of occupational therapy in a positive manner by advocating on behalf of rehabilitation consumers and professional organizations dedicated to the provision of occupational therapy. They will further serve the profession by engaging in meaningful educational programs to promote occupational therapy and the needs of consumers before healthcare policy makers.
  • RESIDENCY PROJECT: Graduates of the Indiana Wesleyan OTD program will successfully complete an "Advanced Experiential Component" project as part of their residency course. Each student project will demonstrate advanced-practice competency in the student’s chosen specialty area of occupational therapy practice.

Indiana Weselayan