2016-2017 Catalog


World Changing Aims

Mission: Indiana Wesleyan University is a Christ-centered academic community committed to changing the world by developing students in character, scholarship, and leadership.

A World Changer is a servant leader who exhibits the following:

  1. Knowledge
    1. Basics of the Christian Faith: A knowledge of the basic themes and truths of the Old and New Testaments and the basic beliefs of Christianity, an awareness of Bible-based morality and social responsibility, and a reasoned understanding of a Christian worldview and the meaning of salvation as expressed in evangelical Christianity.
    2. Liberal Arts Foundation: A solid grasp of the general studies that have been associated with a liberal arts education.
    3. Competency in a Discipline: Competency in at least one major discipline of the university curriculum.
    4. Integration of Knowledge: The integration of knowledge with the Christian faith and across academic disciplines.
    5. Leadership Understanding: Knowledge of the key components and dynamics essential to effective servant-minded leadership in any setting that leads to positive world changing outcomes.
  2. Skills
    1. Creativity: Making connections between various bodies of information.
    2. Critical Thinking: Analyzing information in order to determine the validity of competing truth claims, and to solve problems.
    3. Communication Skills: Reading critically, writing clearly, and communicating effectively.
    4. Self-discipline: Demonstrating habits of correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement.
    5. Leadership: Taking action to effect change by mobilizing others to accomplish a shared vision.
  3. Dispositions (Beliefs and Attitudes)
    1. Commitment to Truth: A commitment to the search for Truth as revealed in the Bible and in God’s created order.
    2. Lifelong Learning: A commitment to discovering and processing information in preparation for a life of learning.
    3. Human Worth: The belief that God created all life and therefore all people have worth.
    4. Inclusion: The willingness to interact with persons of different perspectives and cultures without surrendering a commitment to truth.
    5. Stewardship: The belief that the created order is a trust from God and a commitment to the wise use of all the resources of life.
    6. Life Calling: The confidence of an overriding purpose for one's life based on a relationship to God, an understanding of self, and a personal response to the needs of the world.
    7. Agents of Change: A commitment to change the world for Christ.
    8. Servanthood: A commitment to meet the needs of others before one's own self interests.
Indiana Weselayan