2016-2017 Catalog


DeVoe Division of Business


The mission of the DeVoe Division of Business is to equip business students to become world changers in their chosen profession. It is our profound desire to graduate students who are prepared and eager to impact the world for the cause of Christ.


The curriculum combines theory and practice, is built upon a Christian liberal arts foundation, and emphasizes the need to apply Christian principles to the workplace. Business students graduate with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

Degrees Available

Bachelor of Arts

The four-year Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree is available in six majors: Accounting, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, FinanceManagement and Marketing.

The Bachelor of Arts degree offered by the DeVoe Division of Business includes a foreign language requirement. All students will be required to take 6 hours of a foreign language at the college level (three hours of which will satisfy the intercultural competency requirement). The following exceptions and guidelines will be used to implement the 6-hour foreign language requirement:

  • Students for whom English is a second language will be exempt from the 6-hour foreign language requirement.

  • Students who have completed four years of a high school foreign language with no grade below a “C” will be exempt from the 6-hour foreign language requirement.

  • Students who pass a foreign language competency test at a level equivalent to four semesters of a single language (Intermediate 2) will be exempt from the 6-hour foreign language requirement.

  • Students who pass a foreign language competency test at a level equivalent to three semesters of a single language (Intermediate 1) will be exempt from 3 hours of the 6-hour foreign language requirement and will satisfy the other 3 hours by completing the Intermediate 2 course.

  • Students will be allowed to transfer college credit hours to satisfy the foreign language requirement.

Only students who do not have a major in the DeVoe Division of Business may select a minor in Accounting or Business Administration.

Associate of Science

The two-year Associate of Science (A.S.) degree is available in Accounting and Business Administration. The two-year degree is not available in Entrepreneurship, Finance, Management or Marketing.

Double Majors

A student may double major in any two of the six majors by completing the specific requirements of each major. Students with double majors within the DeVoe Division of Business must complete a minimum of 66 unique DeVoe Division of Business credit hours (75 unique credit hours if one of the two majors is Accounting). Outside of the 36-hour core, no course can be used to satisfy a requirement in both majors.

Other double majors are possible by combining the study of one of the six divisional majors with any major, such as (but not limited to) Art, Communications, Computer Information Systems, Criminal Justice, Economics, English, History, Leadership, Mathematics, Music, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, or Sports Management.

If the student combines the Business Administration major with a major outside the DeVoe Division of Business, the requirement to have 12 hours of 300-400 level courses within the DeVoe Division of Business will be satisfied by 12 hours of 300-400 level courses from the other major. This provision applies only if the Business Administration major is the only major the student has within the DeVoe Division of Business.

Admission to Division Guidelines and Criteria

Before being admitted to the division, students will be classified as pre-majors (e.g., Pre-Business Administration). After admittance, students will be classified according to their major(s) (e.g., Business Administration). Admission to the division is required before students are allowed to take 300-400 level courses within the DeVoe Division of Business. (An exception is made for Accounting majors who may take 300 level accounting courses before they have been admitted to the division.)

Admission to the division is neither automatic nor assumed simply because a student wants to study in the division. To be admitted to the division, students must demonstrate a degree of knowledge and preparedness. Students must satisfy the following criteria before applying to the division:

  1. Complete 40 total credit hours.
  2. Complete all of the following courses:
  3. Have a 2.5 overall GPA and a 2.5 GPA within the DeVoe Division of Business.
  4. Have a minimum grade of "C" in all courses required for a major and minor degree.
  5. Satisfy the General Education Requirements for writing competency, mathematics and communication.
  6. Submit a portfolio (work from the courses listed above to include a résumé and at least one showcase piece of work or project from a course listed above).
  7. Submit an individual admission essay (an essay prompt is provided by the division).
  8. Complete a division interview.

Students who satisfy the above criteria must complete an Application for Admission to the Division and submit it to the business faculty advisor. If the above requirements have been met, the application will be approved unless there is a problem that needs to be discussed with the Division Chair. The DeVoe Division of Business faculty reserves the right to deny admission to the major to any student who fails to satisfy the behavioral expectations outlined in the student handbook.

Transfer students who satisfy substantially all of the above criteria may petition the DeVoe Division of Business to be admitted to the division. The same holds true for IWU students with a major outside the DeVoe Division of Business who add or change their major to one that is offered in the division.

To continue in the DeVoe Division of Business, students must maintain an overall 2.5 GPA and a 2.5 GPA in the division. Students must also have a minimum grade of "C" in all courses required for a major and minor degree. Failure to do so may necessitate repeating courses (university policy allows a course to be repeated once) or withdrawal from the division. Note: If a student has questions regarding action taken by the DeVoe Division of Business he or she has the right to appeal the action through established procedure in the IWU Catalog.

Transfer Credit

Credit for all courses in the major transferred from other schools must be approved by the DeVoe Division of Business before admission to the division. Students currently enrolled as majors in the division may not transfer any courses into the division for credit without prior written approval from the division. Following are the guidelines for transfer credit:

  1. The DeVoe Division of Business will accept 100-200 level courses taken at other institutions for IWU 100-200 level courses, so long as the courses have been approved by the instructor in the discipline.
  2. The DeVoe Division of Business will not accept 100-200 level courses taken at other institutions to satisfy IWU DeVoe Division of Business upper level course requirements.
  3. The DeVoe Division of Business will waive BUS-100 for any transfer student, who transfers in at least 12 hours of business courses, but the division will not waive the credits — the student will substitute the 3 hours of credits with a course recommended by the advisor or Division Chair.
  4. Transfer students pursuing the B.A. degree in one of the six majors in the DeVoe Division of Business must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours from the IWU DeVoe Division of Business. Transfer students pursuing the A.S. degree or minor in Business Administration must complete a minimum of 9 credit hours from the IWU DeVoe Division of Business.

General Education Competencies

Students in the DeVoe Division of Business must meet the general education competencies by taking the approved standard courses. In regards to courses offered in the DeVoe Division of Business, the intercultural experience requirement may be met by successfully completing either ACC-390 or BUS-390.

Indiana Weselayan