Media Communication - B.S.
The Media Communication major has the dual purpose of preparing students for career opportunities in the various areas of media (e.g., television, radio, online) and giving them the broad education necessary to achieve success in this rapidly changing industry. Among the diverse possibilities afforded by media work (online, television, film, radio, print, etc.) are content areas and skills all students should master, including history and structures, writing, and production.
Production: This concentration recognizes the broader career prospects and leadership opportunities for the student working "behind-the-scenes" in media careers. Courses emphasize off-camera, non-performance aspects of media and theatrical production.
Performance: This concentration is for students wishing to appear on-mic or on-camera in the "talent" positions of media work. It offers specialized training, such as "broadcast performance," but also recognizes the commonalities in performance skills and thus allows coursework in public speaking and acting.
Film: This concentration allows the student to focus on the media skills and practices of the entertainment industry through the Los Angeles Film Studies Center of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. The student must be accepted into the competitive LAFSC program and complete the concentration in residence at the center.
Requirements (49 credits)
Division Core (12 credits)
Choose one Communication Lab:
Major Requirements (18 credits)
COM-112 | Introduction to Multimedia Storytelling | 2 |
COM-113 | Introduction to TV Production | 2 |
COM-114 | Intro to Radio Broadcasting | 2 |
COM-211 | Introduction to Mass Communication | 3 |
COM-250 | Media Scriptwriting | 3 |
COM-363 | Media Law and Ethics | 3 |
COM-445 | Communication Internship | 3 |
Writing Electives (Choose one) (3 credits)
COM-224 | Introduction to Newswriting | 3 |
COM-251 | Principles of Script Analysis | 3 |
COM-331 | Public Relations Writing and Publicity | 3 |
Division Electives (Choose two) (6 credits)
Concentrations (Choose one) (9 credits)
Choose 9 units from:
COM-220 must be taken twice for credit
Choose 9 units from:
COM-220 must be taken twice for credit
Film* - 10 credits**
| Hollywood Production Workshop | 4 |
| Faith and Artistic Dev. in Film | 3 |
| Internship: Inside Hollywood** | 6 |
Electives*** (Choose one)
| Narrative Storytelling | 3 |
| Professional Screenwriting | 3 |
| Professional Acting for Cam | 3 |
| Independent Film Study | 3 |
*Film concentration requires acceptance to Los Angeles Film Studies Center (LAFSC).
**Film studies concentration students complete LAFSC Internship (6) instead of COM-445 (reduces net -3)
***LAFSC elective will count for one division elective and reduce total hours required for major (reduces net - 3)