2016-2017 Catalog


Leadership Studies Program

The role of the Department of Leadership Studies, with its Leadership Studies major and minor, is to provide content and expertise to other academic disciplines in the areas of leadership and followership, while recognizing that other majors and minors provide the very context for leadership/followership to occur.


The mission of the Leadership Studies program is to enhance Christ-like leadership and followership knowledge, skills, and disposition among the students at Indiana Wesleyan University to change the world.


Students enter the Leadership Studies major as freshmen or sophomores and have the opportunity to integrate various core elements of the leadership curriculum into their general education requirements and other major. Because leadership takes place in a context, students pursuing the Leadership Studies major are required to double major in another context area.

Students entering the Leadership Studies minor have the opportunity to strengthen their academic, ministry and professional pursuits by applying leadership into their chosen major or minor.

This program is for you, if you are passionate about leading and following like Christ through servanthood and love. You will learn about how to become an effective servant-leader and exemplary follower in organizational and community contexts to affect positive change in the world.

Conceptual Framework

The three main components of Leadership Studies are:

1. Leader

2. Follower

3. Context/Situation

Curriculum Themes

  • Leadership competencies: knowledge, skills, and disposition
  • Leadership through value-based and servant-minded paradigms
  • Leadership for the multicultural world
  • Leadership and followership through interdisciplinary lenses
  • Leadership and faith integration
  • Leadership development and Christ-likeness
Indiana Weselayan