2016-2017 Catalog


BSW - Social Work

The mission of Indiana Wesleyan University’s Social Work program is to equip students to enhance human well-being and to meet basic human needs. Our students gain first-hand knowledge regarding individuals, families, groups, communities, and organizations in order to better understand this impact. Graduates will be prepared for generalist social work practice through a variety of classroom, volunteer, and field experiences.

The Social Work program is designed to:

  • Prepare culturally competent students for entry–level social work practice with a variety of client systems.
  • Prepare students for graduate level education.
  • Provide opportunities for the integration of Christian principles within the context of professional social work values and ethics.

Upon completion of the Social Work program at Indiana Wesleyan University, students will be able to demonstrate the following core competencies within the framework of the generalist model of social work practice:

  • Provide opportunities for the integration of Christian principles within the context of professional social work values and ethics.
  • Identify as a professional Social Worker and conduct oneself accordingly.
  • Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice.
  • Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments
  • Engage diversity and difference in practice
  • Advance human rights and social and economic justice.
  • Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research.
  • Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment.
  • Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and deliver effective social work services
  • Respond to context that shapes practice.
  • Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

The IWU Social Work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Students wishing to continue graduate education may be eligible for advanced standing at many graduate schools of Social Work. Graduates of the Social Work program are eligible to become full members of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and North American Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW).

Throughout the curriculum, theory and practice are integrated through a variety of educational experiences and agency settings. Students are required to become active within the community in a variety of capacities throughout the program. Students are required to complete approximately 17 hours of field work per week with a total of 400 hours over a 24 week period. According to CSWE, the field placement is the signature pedagogy of Social Work education.

Indiana Weselayan