2013-2014 Catalog


Academic Information - Post-licensure (RNBSN)

Academic Calendar - Courses in adult and graduate programs are offered under the semester hour system but in a non-traditional academic calendar. Each program consists of specific courses that are taught in a modular format and taken sequentially. Onsite core groups meet on the same day for the duration of the program. Online core groups meet in an asynchronous environment through Blackboard. Certain programs require students to complete project team assignments.

Catalog Governing Graduation - Students must meet the graduation requirements as stated in the university catalog under which they enrolled. Students who maintain continuous enrollment, who make normal progress toward a degree, and who earn their degree within a maximum of six years from the date of enrollment may meet the graduation requirements as stated in the catalog under which they enrolled. Students who withdraw from Indiana Wesleyan University for more than six months will meet the graduation requirements as stated in the catalog under which they resume enrollment. Students changing majors or programs must meet requirements as stated in the catalog that is current at the time they make such changes. The same holds true for students moving between schools and colleges. Students may at any time change from an earlier catalog to a subsequent current catalog, but must meet all requirements for graduation of that catalog. Indiana Wesleyan University reserves the right to modify the curriculum as necessary.

Core Requirements - The integrity of the adult and graduate programs requires that the core courses be met at Indiana Wesleyan University. Due to the nature of the programs, students can only be enrolled in one program at a time. Students are required to complete the first course of the core program with a passing grade in order to maintain enrollment with their original cohort. In general, no waivers are allowed for courses taken at other colleges/universities.

Final class dates as established by the calendar will be the final date for completion of the core curriculum. No compressing or doubling of core work is permitted to accommodate earlier completion or graduation schedules. RNBSN students may not overlap more than two Post-licensure (RNBSN) core courses at the same time without administrative approval by the Chair, Post-licensure (RNBSN) Program and only then in the case of extenuating circumstances such as military deployment.

Indiana Weselayan