2013-2014 Catalog


General Eligibility Requirements

In order to receive federal and/or state student financial aid, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Must have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) including signing the certifying statements that the student is not in default on a federal student loan and does not owe a refund on a federal grant and that the student will use federal student financial aid for educational purposes only.
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen.
  • Must have a valid Social Security number (with the exception of students from the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau).
  • Must be enrolled as a regular student (cannot be unclassified) in an eligible degree or certificate program.
  • Must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as outlined in IWU’s SAP Policy.
  • Must show qualification to obtain a college education by having a high school diploma, GED certificate, or a high school education in a homeschool setting approved under state law.
  • Per federal regulations, incarcerated students are not eligible for federal student financial aid. Incarcerated students or students who become incarcerated after receiving federal student financial aid funds should contact the Financial Aid Office.
  • Must maintain enrollment in classes.
    • No longer than 180 days may elapse between classes in any 12 month period, and a leave of absence must be requested through the Office of Student Services. In the case there is an approved break between classes 180 days or less, a leave of absence will be reported to the lender, but no loan repayment will be required. For a break between classes of more than 180 days, the university is required to report non-enrollment information to the lender, and the student will be required to begin repayment of any student loans (see your loan promissory note for further information). If additional circumstances arise that prohibit the student from returning to class as scheduled, the student should contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss options.
    • Any changes in registration, such as withdrawals or cancelled courses, may result in cancellation or reduction of any or all student financial aid. In such cases, the student is responsible for any remaining balance on the student account. A student who requests the credit balance from his or her IWU student account and then makes registration changes may be required to repay funds to the university and/or to the student financial aid programs
Indiana Weselayan