2013-2014 Catalog



*Format Key

Name, Appointment Date, Title(s)



David Wright, 1994-2005; 2008, President of the University 

B.A., 1977, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.A., 1980, George Fox University

Ph.D., 1990, University of Kentucky

Bridget Aitchison, 2009, Dean for International Programs

B.A., (Hons), 1992, University of New South Wales; D.C.A., 2002, University of Wollongong

Charles Alcock, 2003, Assistant Professor of Youth Ministries, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1989, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 2003, Azusa Pacific University

Mark Alexander, 2002, Regional Dean, Online

College of Adult and Professional Studies

A.B., 1996, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.B.A., 2004, Indiana Wesleyan University

Paul Allison, 1993, Professor of English, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1986, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.F.A., 1990, University of Pittsburgh

Ph.D., 1995, State University of New York at Binghamton

W. Charles Arn, 2009, Visiting Professor of Christian Ministry and Outreach, Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

B.A., 1972, Seattle Pacific University; M.S., 1973, University of Southern California

Ed.D., 1976, University of Southern California

Dave Arnold, 2003, Associate Professor, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

A.B., 1971, Southern Nazarene University; M.A., 1973, Southern Nazarene University

Ed.D., 1999, University of La Verne

Mark Asnicar, 2007, Assistant Professor of Biology, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1983, Anderson University; M.S., 1995, IUPUI; Ph.D., 1998, IUPUI

Angela Bailey, 2011, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1990, IUPUI; M.S.N., 2008, University of Indianapolis

Marcie Baird, 2009, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1996, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 2009, Ball State University

Barbara Baker, 1998, Assistant Director, Curriculum Development, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S.B.A., 1994, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S.M., 1998, Indiana Wesleyan University

Joanne Barnes, 2008, Associate Professor, Graduate Studies in Leadership, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S.B.A., 1991, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S.M., 1994, Indiana Wesleyan University

Ed.D., 2007, Indiana Wesleyan University

Margaret Barnes, 2009, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1990, D'Youville College; M.S.N., 1993, D'Youville College

Tommie Barnes, 1988, Associate Professor of Education; Coordinator, Cross Cultural Student Teaching, School of Teacher Education

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1965, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.Ed., 1971, Clemson University

David Bartley, 1989-1991; 1994, Professor of History; Chairperson, Division of Social Sciences, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

A.A., 1977, Montgomery Junior College; B.S., 1979, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

M.A., 1982, Butler University; Ph.D., 1989, Ball State University

Theodore Batson, 2001, Professor, Division of Advanced Studies for Teacher Leaders, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1965, Livingston State University; M.A., 1972, University of South Alabama

Ph.D., 1975, University of Southern Mississippi

Brian Bernius, 2005, Assistant Professor of Religion, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1997, Asbury College; M.A., 1999, Asbury Theological Seminary

M.Phil., 2004, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

Ph.D., 2013, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

Elaine Bernius, 2005, Assistant Professor of Religion, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1998, Asbury College

M.Phil., 2004, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

Ph.D., 2013, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

Tim Beuthin, 2006, Professor, Graduate Studies in Leadership, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1974, Spring Arbor College; M.Div., 1980, Asbury Theological Seminary

Ph.D., 1989, Michigan State University

Jolly Beyioku, 2006, Associate Professor of International and Community Development, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1982, State University of New York College at Buffalo

B.A., 1983, State University of New York College at Buffalo

MUP, 1986, State University of New York College at Buffalo

Ph.D., 1992, University of Southern California

Barbara Bidwell, 2009, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1996, Lutheran College; M.S.N., 2009, Indiana University

Ken Bielen, 2007, Director, Grants Management

B.A., 1971, Rutgers College; M.A., 1978, University of Rhode Island

Ph.D., 1994, Bowling Green State University

Debra Bohlender, 2010, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1995, Southwestern Oklahoma State University; M.S.N., 2005, University of Phoenix

M.Ed., 2007, American Intercontinental University

Christopher Bounds, 2002, Professor of Religion, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1988, Asbury College; M.Div., 1991, Asbury Theological Seminary

M.Phil., 1994, Drew University; Ph.D., 1997, Drew University

Susan Bowman, 1970, Associate Professor of Physical Education, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1967, Grace College; M.A., 1969, Ball State University

David Boyajian, 2013, Visiting Associate Professor of Mathematics, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1993, California State University; M.S., 1996, California State University

Ph.D., 2002, West Virginia University

Jeffrey Boyce, 2011, Director of Program Development, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1979, Michigan Technological University; M.B.A., 1989, Ashland University

Ph.D., 2006, Capella University

Heather Brady, 2011, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 2000, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S., 2005, Indiana Wesleyan University

Jack Brady, 2007, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1973, Hardin-Simmons University; M.Ed., 1981, University of North Texas

Keith Brautigam, 2009, Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.M., 1979, Grand Rapids Baptist College; M.M., 1982, Indiana University

D.M., 1987, Indiana University

Denise Brehmer, 2008, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1986, Ball State University; M.S., 1999, Ball State University

Charles Bressler, 2008, Professor of English; Senior Scholar for Undergraduate Research, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1972, Wilkes University; M.S., 1974, University of Scranton

Ph.D., 1985, University of Georgia

Darlene Bressler, 2008, Professor of Education, Vice President and Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1973, Geneva College; M.S., 1974, Wilkes University

Ph.D., 1994, University of Rochester

Jessica Briggs, 2012, Life Coach Coordinator, School of Life Calling and Integrative Learning

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2003, Claremont McKenna College; M.S., 2006, University of La Verne

Bruce Brinkley, 1993, Assistant Professor, Senior Reference Librarian

A.B., 1982, Earlham College; M.L.S., 1983, Indiana University

Dennis Brinkman, 2000, Professor of Chemistry; Associate Dean, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1972, Ottawa University; Ph.D., 1976, University of Michigan

Mark Brooker, 2008, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1982, The Ohio State University; M.S.A., 1996, Central Michigan University

Ph.D., 2007, Walden University

Koco Brooks, 2012, Director of Residential Academic Services

B.A., 1988, Anderson University; M.A., 1989, Ball State University

Mary Brown, 1985, Professor of English; School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1974, Indiana University; M.A., 1982, Ball State University

Ph.D., 1990, Ball State University

Stephen Brown, 1996, Assistant Professor, Technical Services Librarian

B.S., 1967, Cedarville University; M.L.S., 1968, Indiana University

Anne Bruehler, 2006, Assistant Professor of TESOL, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1998, Asbury College; M.A., 2000, Ohio University

Bart Bruehler, 2009, Associate Professor, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1995, Asbury College; M.Div., 1998, Asbury Theological Seminary

Ph.D., 2007, Emory University

Krista Bruenjes, 2008, Assistant Professor of Spanish, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2007, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 2012, California State University, Sacramento

H. Michael Buck, 1989, Professor of English, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1972, Taylor University; M.A., 1979, Wright State University

Ph.D., 1987, Miami University

Robert Burchell, 2008, Online Chaplain

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1988, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.A., 1992, Indiana Wesleyan University

David Burden, 2006, Associate Professor of History, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1996, Ohio Northern University; M.A., 1998, University of Cincinnati

Ph.D., 2005, University of California, Santa Barbara

Scott Burson, 2008, Assistant Professor of Religion, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1985, University of Rio Grande; M.A., 2000, Asbury Theological Seminary

William Burton, III, 2003, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1975, Kettering University; M.B.A., 1989, Indiana Wesleyan University

Ph.D., 2010, North Central University

Kevin Cabe, 2013, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1994, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.B.A., 2004, Indiana Wesleyan University

Sheila Carlblom, 1998, Assistant Professor, Director of Library Services

B.S., 1973, Nyack College; M.A.R., 1975, Asbury Theological Seminary

M.L.S., 1982, University of Iowa

William Carpenter, 2006, Associate Professor of Art, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2002, Wheaton College; M.F.A., 2006, University of Miami

Angela Castleman, 2011, Assistant Professor, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 2000, Mount Vernon Nazarene; M.Ed., 2006, Indiana Wesleyan University

Carson Castleman, 2007, Associate Vice President Regional Education, Regional Dean for Southern Ohio and Northern Kentucky

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1996, Northern Kentucky University; M.A., 2003, Liberty University

Ph.D., 2013, Capella University

Larry Chamberlain, 2005, Associate Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1969, Bob Jones University; M.S.B.A., 1980, Indiana University

M.B.A., 1989, Indiana University; D.S.L., 2006, Regent University

Constance Cherry, 2004, Professor of Worship and Christian Ministry, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1975, Huntington College; M.M., 1982, Bowling Green State University

D.Min., 1998, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary

Pamela Childers, 2013, Assistant Professor, Systems and Web Librarian

B.A., 1990, Indiana University, Kokomo; M.L.S., 1996, Indiana University, Bloomington

Dorothy Clark-Ott, 2008, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1976, State University of New York at Binghamton; M.P.A., 2007, University of Dayton

Jonathan Conrad, 2001, Professor of Political Science, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1991, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 1997, Northern Illinois University

Ph.D., 2004, Northern Illinois University

Stephen Conrad, 2001, Associate Professor of Biology; Co-coordinator, Biology Department, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1985, Taylor University; M.S., 1993, Indiana State University

Ph.D., 1999, Indiana State University

Melissa Cook, 2007, Associate Professor of Exercise Science, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1997, University of the Pacific; M.S., 2002, California State University of Fullerton

Ed.D., 2005, Ball State University

Christopher Coy, 2009, Assistant Professor of Biology, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1973, Ball State University; M.A., 1977, Ball State University

Jeanne Craig, 2003, Associate Director, Undergraduate Management and Marketing, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1978, Ball State University; M.B.A., 1999, Middle Tennessee State University

Satara Crandall, 2013, Associate Professor of Social Work, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1997, Baker University; M.S.W., 1999, University of Kansas

Ph.D., 2009, Capella University

Rodney Crossman, 1981, Associate Professor of Art; Artist-in-Residence, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1976, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

Sarah Crume, 2002, Reference Librarian, Off Campus Library Services, Northern Indiana

B.S., 1981, Hanover College; M.L.S., 1987, Indiana University

Robert Curfman, 1984, Professor of Art, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1977, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.A., 1982, Ball State University

M.F.A., 2010, The Art Institute of Boston

Kris Currier, 2013, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 2005, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S.N., 2007, Indiana Wesleyan University

D.N.P., 2011, St. Louis University

Douglas Daugherty, 1997, Professor of Addictions Counseling, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1983, Franklin College; M.A., 1987, Ball State University

Psy.D., 1996, Indiana State University

Lisa Dawson, 2005, Associate Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1987, Anderson University; M.M., 1992, University of Kentucky

D.A., 2008, Ball State University

Robert Dawson, 2004, Associate Professor of Nursing; Chair, Division of Pre-licensure Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1995, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S., 2004, Indiana Wesleyan University

D.N.P., 2012, Ball State University

Anne Decker, 2003, Associate Professor, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1981, God's Bible College; Masters, 1999, Mid-American Nazarene University

Ed.D., 2003, Regent University

Beth DeKoninck, 2012, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1994, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing; M.S.N., 1996, Emory University

D.N.P., 2013, Vanderbilt University

Kimberly DeMichael, 1999, Assistant Professor of Education; Education Placement Advisor and Secondary Program Coordinator, School of Teacher Education

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1985, Eastern Nazarene College; M.Ed., 1986, Eastern Nazarene College

J. Michael Dennis, 2012, Assistant Professor of Church Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1993, University of Montevallo; M.A., 2004, Lee University

Ph.D., 2010, Robert E. Webber Institute of Worship Studies

Colleen Derr, 2010, Assistant Professor of Christian Ministry and Congregational Formation, Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

B.S., 1983, United Wesleyan College; M.A., 2007 Indiana Wesleyan University

Ed.D., 2013, Regent University

Chris Devers, 2011, Director, Research, Center for Learning and Innovation

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 2000, Purdue University; M.S., 2003, Purdue University

Ph.D., 2009, University of Illinois

Erin Devers, 2011, Assistant Professor of Social Psychology, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2002, Huntington University; Ph.D., 2007, Indiana University Bloomington

David Dial, 2003, Reference Librarian, Off Campus Library Services, Cleveland Education Center

B.A., 1977, Baldwin-Wallace College; M.L.S., 1978, Clarion State University

Dustin Diller, 2013, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 2007, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S.N., 2012, Indiana Wesleyan University

Karen Dowling, Director, Adult Teacher Licensure Program, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1997, Ball State University; M.A., 2004, Ball State University

Ph.D., 2012, Ball State University

Andrew Doyle, 2009, Assistant Professor of Athletic Training, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2005, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 2007, West Michigan University

Susan Draine, 2012, Professor, Chair, Division of Graduate Studies in Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1976, Olivet Nazarene University; M.S.N., 1983, University of Alabama-Birmingham

M.B.A., 1990, Olivet Nazarene University; Ed.D., 2009, Nova Southeastern University

Debra Drake, 1993, Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1976, Olivet Nazarene University; M.S., 1992, Bradley University

Ph.D., 2010, Walden University

Amanda Drury, 2012, Associate Professor of Youth Ministry, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2002, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.Div., 2005, Princeton Theological Seminary

Ph.D., 2007, Princeton Theological Seminary

John Drury, 2010, Assistant Professor of Theology and Christian Ministry, Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

B.A., 2001, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.Div., 2004 Princeton Theological Seminary

Ph.D., 2010, Princeton Theological Seminary

David Duecker, 2003, Associate Professor of Chemistry, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1975, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.S., 1983, University of Cincinnati

Ph.D., 1988, University of Cincinnati

Ruth Eby, 2010, Assistant Professor of Nursing; Chair, Division of Post-licensure Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1986, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.S.N., 2010, Drexel University

Craig Edwards, 2010, Professor of English, Associate Dean, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1986, Evangel College; M.A., 1988, University of Wisconsin

Ph.D., 1998, Indiana University

James Elsberry, 1995, Professor of Education; Associate Dean, School of Teacher Education

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1970, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.Ed., 1986, University of Texas at Austin

Ph.D., 1992, University of Texas at Austin

Timothy Esh, 2007, Assistant Professor of English, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2001, Houghton College; M.A., 2007, Drew University

Kimberly Fairchild, 2013, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 2007, William Carey University; M.S.N., 2013, Liberty University

Gregory Fiebig, 2006, Professor of Communication and Theatre, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1977, Southwest Baptist College; M.A., 1982, Central Missouri State University

M.Div., 1985, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Ph.D., 2000, University of Missouri-Columbia

Caitlin Finch, 2012, Career Development Coordinator, Center for Life Calling and Leadership 

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2009, Calvin College; M.A., 2012, Taylor University

Susan Fisher, 1990, Professor of Education, School of Teacher Education

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1964, Ball State University; M.A., 1982, Ball State University

Ed.D., 1985, Ball State University

Michael Flanagin, 2001, Assistant Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.M.E., 1994, Indiana University; M.A., 2002, Ball State University

Joseph Flowers, 1997, Associate Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1978, Indiana University; M.P.A., 1982, Indiana University

M.A., 1985, Governors State University; Ph.D., 2003, Andrews University

Amy Forshey, 2005, Assistant Professor of Special Education; Coordinator, Special Education Program, School of Teacher Education

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1991, Muskingum College; M.Ed., 2004, Indiana Wesleyan University

Ed.D., 2013, Ball State University

R. Nathaniel Foster, 2006, Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education, School of Health Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2000, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S.P.E., 2001, Ohio University

Ph.D., 2012, Capella University

Safiyah Fosua, 2012, Assistant Professor of Christian Worship and Christian Ministry, Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

B.A., 1986, Northwestern University; M.Div.,1989, Oral Roberts University

D.Min., 1994, United Theological Seminary

Charlotte Franck, 2013, Associate Director of Faculty Support, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1980, East Carolina University; M.B.A., 1990, Wright State University

Betty Jane Fratzke, 1984, Professor of Psychology; Chairperson, Division of Behavioral Sciences, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1969, Greenville College; M.S., 1970, University of Illinois

Ed.D., 1988, Ball State University

Michael Fratzke, 1984, Professor of Physical Education; Chairperson, Division of Health and Human Performance, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1972, LeTourneau University; M.Ed., 1973, Stephen F. Austin State University

Ed.D., 1978, Texas A&M University - Commerce

James Freemyer, 2008, Professor, Graduate Studies in Leadership, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1973, Northwest Missouri State University; M.S., 1980, Central Missouri State University

M.A., 1985, Grace Theological Seminary; Ed.D., 1999, University-North Carolina at Charlotte

Brian Fry, 2004, Associate Professor of Sociology, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1992, Spring Arbor University; M.A., 1994, Michigan State University

Ph.D., 1998, Michigan State University

James O. Fuller, 1996, Dean

The Graduate School

B.A., 1971, Asbury College; M.Div., 1977, Asbury Theological Seminary

Ph.D., 1994, University of North Carolina-Greensboro

Misty Fultz, 2012, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 2006, University of Phoenix; M.S.N., 2008, University of Phoenix

John Bradley Garner, 2002, Director, Faculty Enrichment, Center for Learning and Innovation

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S.Ed., 1971, University of Akron; M.S.Ed., 1974, University of Akron

Ph.D., 1993, Kent State University

Paul Garverick, 2007, Director, Department of Religion, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1986, Asbury College; M.Div., 1990, Asbury Theological Seminary

Ed.D., 2013, Indiana Wesleyan University

Mark Gerig, 2007, Professor of Graduate Counseling, Chair, Division of Graduate Counseling, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1980, Purdue University; M.A., 1983, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Ph.D., 1991, University of Toledo

Pamela Giles, 1993-1997; 2004, Associate Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1980, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.S., 1993, Indiana Wesleyan University

Ph.D., 2010, Walden University

Darla Gowan, 2009, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1986, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.N., 1991, UCLA

D.N.P., 2013, University of Southern Indiana

Annie Greeley, 2012, Assistant Professor of Art History, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2004 Westmont College; M.St., 2005 University of Oxford

Brad Grubb, 1988, Regional Dean, Central Indiana

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1975, Cincinnati Bible College; M.A., 1981, Ball State University

M.S., 2004, Indiana Wesleyan University

Lisa Guy, 2013, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1985, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.S.N., 2008, Indiana Wesleyan University

Todd Guy, 1986-2000; 2001, Professor of Music; Chairperson, Division of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1984, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.M., 1986, Northwestern University

D.A., 1998, Ball State University

Audrey Hahn, 1991, CEO for Non-Residential Education & Executive Vice President

B.S., 1976, Manchester College; M.S., 1983, St. Francis College

Daniel Hall, 2000, Assistant Professor of Art, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1983, Drake University; M.A., 1991, University of Northern Iowa

Harry Hall, 2001, Director, Academic Planning and Evaluation, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1976, Augusta College; M.Ed., 1996, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Ed.D., 1999, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Stacy Hammons, 2011, Professor of Sociology, Associate Dean, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1984, University of Missouri; M.A., 1997, Washington State University

Ph.D., 2000, Washington State University

Russell Harney, 2011, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1991, Eastern Kentucky University; M.S., 2009, University of Louisville

Pamela Harrison, 1989, Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1977, George Mason University; M.S., 1992, Ball State University

Ed.D., 2004, Ball State University

Patricia (Lynn) Hartley, 2006, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1999, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S.N., 2003, Xavier University

Wendy Hassett, 2013, Associate Professor, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1991, Auburn University; M.P.A., 1993, Auburn University

Ph.D., 2003, Auburn University

J. Russell Hawkins, 2009, Associate Professor of Humanities and History, John Wesley Honors College

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1999, Wheaton College; M.A., 2002, Montana State University

Lee Ann Hawkins, 2013, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1996, Azusa Pacific University; M.S.N., 1998, Azusa Pacific University

Ph.D., 2013, University of San Diego

Martha Hawkins, 2012, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 2002, University of Kentucky; M.S.N., 2002, University of Kentucky

D.N.P., 2010, Vanderbilt University

Lisa Hayes, 2008, Reference Librarian, Off Campus Library Services, Cincinnati Education Center

B.A., 1984, Indiana University; M.L.S., 1989, Indiana University

Simon C. Henry, 2013, Assistant Professor, Transfer Advisor

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2007, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.B.A., 2012, Indiana Wesleyan University

Roberta Henson, 1992, Professor of English; Director of the Writing Center, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1989, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 1990, Ball State University

Ph.D., 1995, Ball State University

Brandon Hill, 2010, Associate Professor of Graduate Counseling, Associate Dean for the School of Life Calling and Integrative Learning

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1993, Greenville College; M.A., 2002, Azusa Pacific University

Ph.D., 2005, St. Louis University

Patricia Hodges, 2008, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1979, Arlington Baptist College; B.S.N., 1999, Andrews University

M.S.N., 2007, Walden University

Joe Hoffert, 2013, Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences 

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1986, Mount Vernon Nazarene College; M.S., 1990, University of Cincinnati

Ph.D., 2011, Vanderbilt University

Karen Hoffman, 1996, Associate Professor of Nursing, Associate Dean

School of Nursing

B.S., 1977, Grace College; M.S., 1995, Ball State University

D.N.P., 2006, Rush University Medical Center

Becky Hoffpauir, 2006, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1980, McNeese State University; M.S., 2006, University of Phoenix

Richard Hooker, 2010, Associate Professor of Addictions Counseling, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1989, God's Bible School; M.A., 1993, Cincinnati Christian University

M.A., 1994, Cincinnati Christian University; Ed.D., 2001, University of Cincinnati

Stephen Horst, 1999, Associate Professor of Religion and Philosophy, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1977, Houghton College; M.Div., 1983, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

M.A., 1984, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; M.A., 1991, Syracuse University

Ph.D., 2010, University of Wales Lampeter

George Howell, 2011, Associate Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1977, Ripon College; M.B.A., 1992, Indiana Wesleyan University

D.B.A., 2008, Anderson University

Barbara Hulsman, 2011, Associate Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1973, Baylor University; M.S.N., 1988, University of South Carolina

Ph.D., 2011, University of Tennessee

Tammie Huntington, 2007, Associate Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1991, Grace College; M.M., 2004, Ball State University

D.A., 2008 Ball State University

Barbara Ihrke, 1994, Dean, School of Nursing; Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1977, Crown College; M.S., 1993, Indiana Wesleyan University

Ph.D., 2002, Purdue University

Mary Jacobs, 2004, Assistant Professor of Athletic Training; Head Athletic Trainer, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1995, Indiana University; M.A., 1996, Western Michigan University

Alison Johnson, 2009, Assistant Library Director; Assistant Professor

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2005, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 2009, Indiana University

Patricia Johnson, 2013, Associate Professor, Graduate Studies in Leadership, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

J.D., 1985, Howard University; Ph.D., 2008, Regent University

R. Boyd Johnson, 1998, Professor, Chair, Graduate Studies in Leadership, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1974, University of California; M.A., 1976, California State University

Ph.D., 1998, Oxford, England

Daniel Jones, 2002, Professor of Biology, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1984, Purdue University; D.D.S., 1987, Indiana University

Ph.D., 1997, Wright State University

Kevin Jones, 2005, Associate Director, Instructional Support, Online Region

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.R.E., 1984, Allegheny Wesleyan College; M.Ed., 2005, Indiana Wesleyan University

M.A., 2009, Indiana Wesleyan University

Sarah Jones, 2007, Assistant Professor of Special Education, School of Teacher Education

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2002, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.Ed., 2007, Indiana Wesleyan University

Abson Joseph, 2011, Associate Professor of New Testament, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

Diploma in Theology, 2001, Caribbean Wesleyan College

M.Div., 2005, Asbury Theological Seminary

Ph.D., 2009, Brunel University/London School of Theology

Judith Justice, 2005, Associate Professor of Graduate Counseling, Coordinator of School Counseling, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1991, Indiana University; M.A., 1994, Indiana University

Ed.D., 2003, Nova Southeastern University

Katrina Karnehm, 2008, Associate Professor of English, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 2002, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.Litt., 2004, University of St. Andrews

Ph.D., 2009, University of St. Andrews, Scotland

Karla Karr, 2009, Assistant Professor of Education, School of Teacher Education

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1995, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.Ed., 2003, Indiana Wesleyan University

Laura Kelsey, 2009, Assistant Professor, Reference Librarian

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1990, Anderson University; M.A., 2005 Indiana University

Kwasi Kena, 2012, Assistant Professor of Christian Ministry, Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

B.S., 1979, Bradley University; B.A., 1982, Wisconsin College Conservatory of Music

M.Div., 1988, Oral Roberts University; D.Min., 1994, United Theological Seminary

Dutch Kendall, 2013, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1994, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; M.A., 2000, Webster University

M.B.A., 2003, Webster University; Ph.D., 2012, Capella University

Eric Kern, 2005, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2002, Ball State University; M.S., 2005, Ball State University

Patricia Kershaw, 2013, Associate Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1994, Olivet Nazarene University; M.S.N., 2001, Lewis University

D.N.P., 2012, Governors State University

Jule Kind, 1993, Director, Off-Campus Library Services

B.S., 1972, Ball State University; M.S.L.S., 1989, University of Kentucky

Randall King, 2005, Professor of Communication and Theatre; Chairperson, Division of Communication and Theatre; Director, Broadcast Media, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1984, Olivet Nazarene University; M.A., 1991, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Ph.D., 1998, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Daniel Kiteck, 2008, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 2001, Asbury College; M.A., 2003, University of Kentucky

Ph.D., 2008, University of Kentucky

James Kraai, 2008, Associate Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

A.B., 1968, Calvin College; M.A., 1970, Western Michigan University

Ed.D., 1973, Western Michigan University; M.B.A., 1983, University of Chicago

Matthew Kreitzer, 2003, Professor of Biology, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1999, Olivet Nazarene University; Ph.D., 2003, University of Illinois at Chicago

R.B. Kuhn, 2001, Director, Department of Liberal Studies, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1977, Allegheny Wesleyan College; M.S., 1983, Pensacola Christian College

Faith Labus, 2013, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1996, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S.N., 2010, Indiana Wesleyan University

John Lakanen, 1995, Associate Professor of Chemistry; Chairperson, Division of Natural Sciences, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1987, Hope College; M.S., 1988, University of Michigan

Ph.D., 1994, University of Michigan

Christopher Langebartels, 2013, Assistant Professor of Athletic Training, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2006, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S., 2012, Concordia University, Wisconsin

Soyoung Lee, 2013, Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2003, Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea

M.A., 2006, University of Virginia; Ph.D., 2010, University of Virginia

YoungAh Lee, 2011, Assistant Professor of Public Relations, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1997, Ewha Women’s University; M.A., 1999, Ewha Women’s University

M.A., 2008, University of Missouri; Ph.D., 2011, University of Missouri

Angela Leffler, 2008, Assistant Professor of Education, School of Teacher Education

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1991, Ball State University; M.A., 2010, Ball State University

Thomas Lehman, 1997, Professor of Economics, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1992, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 1994, Ball State University

Ph.D., 2004, University of Louisville

Renee Lehrian, 2013, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1993, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S.N., 2013, Indiana Wesleyan University

Dave Leitzel, 2000, Instructional Designer, Center for Learning and Innovation

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1973, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

Stephen Lennox, 1993, Professor of Bible, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1979, Houghton College; M.Div., 1982, Evangelical School of Theology

Ph.D., 1992, Drew University

Pamela Leslie, 2005, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1977, Marshall University-West Virginia

M.S., 1987, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

Chris Lessly, 1993, Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.M.E., 1980, Central Missouri State University; M.M.Ed., 1987, University of Kansas

Ph.D., 1996, University of Kansas

Jennifer Light, 2009, Assistant Professor of English, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1991, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 1997, Ball State University

Larry Lindsay, 1995, Interim Provost

B.S., 1961, Ball State University; M.A., 1966, Ball State University

Ed.D., 1977, Ball State University

Melissa Lindsey, 2011, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2004, California Polytechnic State University; Ph.D., 2011, Purdue University

Benjamin Linger, 2010, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1999, Mt. Vernon Nazarene University; Ph.D., 2005, Purdue University

Mike Linville, 2013, Assistant Professor, Graduate Studies in Leadership, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1983, The Ohio State University; M.A., 2006, Indiana Wesleyan University

M.A., 2009, Indiana Wesleyan University; Ed.D., 2012, Indiana Wesleyan University

James Lo, 1996-2006; 2007, Dean of the Chapel; Professor of Religion

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1978, Oklahoma Wesleyan University; M.A., 1982, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

M.A., 1992, Wheaton College; D.Th., 1998, University of South Africa

Amy Lorson, 2003, Reference Librarian, Off Campus Library Services, Louisville Education Center

B.A., 1993, University of Kentucky; M.S.L.S., 2000, University of Kentucky

Lenny Luchetti, 2010, Associate Professor of Christian Ministry and Proclamation, Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

B.A., 1996, Houghton College; M.Div., 2003, Asbury Theological Seminary

D.Min., 2010, Asbury Theological Seminary

Rebecca Luckey, 1993, Assistant Director, Curriculum Development, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 2000, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S., 2003, Indiana Wesleyan University

Vern Ludden, 2005, Professor, Graduate Studies in Leadership, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1971, Asbury College; M.P.A., 1973, Ball State University

Ed.D., 1985, Ball State University

James Luttrull, Jr., 1984, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1978, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); J.D., 1981, Indiana University

John Maher, 1978-1987; 1988, Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1975, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.M., 1979, Ball State University

D.A., 1986, Ball State University; M.L.S., 1988, Indiana University

Tammy Mahon, 2011, Assistant Professor, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1993, Anderson University; M.A., 2001, Ball State University

Ed.D., 2006, Ball State University

Petros Malakyan, 2010, Associate Professor of Leadership Studies, Life Coach, Center for Life Calling and Leadership, School of Life Calling and Integrative Learning

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1989, Yerevav Polytechnic University

M.A., 1994, School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary

M.A., 1996, School of Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary

Ph.D., 1998, School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary

Robert Mallison, 2004, Associate Professor of Mathematics, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1979, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.S., 1981, Purdue University

M.S., 1983, Purdue University; Ph.D., 2007, IUPUI

James Mike Manning, 2002, Division Chair, Business, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1988, Sterling College; M.S., 1996, Arkansas State University

M.A., 2009, Indiana Wesleyan University; Ed.D., 2010, Indiana Wesleyan University

Anita Manwell, 2008, Associate Professor of Education; Coordinator, Elementary Education, School of Teacher Education

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1992, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S., 2000, Indiana University-Kokomo

Ed.D., 2012, Ball State University

Barbara Matchette, 1996, Associate Professor of Social Work, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1974, Anderson University; M.S.W., 1994, IUPUI

Ronald Mazellan, 1993, Professor of Art, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1981, Wheaton College; M.A., 1991, California State University at Fullerton

M.F.A., 2008, University of Hartford

John McCracken, 2000, Professor of Education, School of Teacher Education

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S.Ed., 1978, Miami University at Oxford, Ohio; M.Ed., 1984, Miami University at Oxford, Ohio

Ph.D., 2001, The Ohio State University

Sue Melton, 1978, Associate Vice President of Student Services

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1978, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

Mike Mendenhall, 1999, Assistant Director for Faculty Development, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1978, Loma Linda University; M.S.M., 1997, Indiana Wesleyan University

Aaron Metzcar, 2011, Director of Faculty Support, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

BSE, 1999, Wright State; M.Ed., 2002, Indiana Wesleyan University

Ed.D., 2008, Indiana Wesleyan University

J. Michael Metzcar, 1995, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1970, Ball State University; M.A., 1976, Ball State University

M.B.A., 1983, Ball State University

Kim Mierau, 2006, Instructional Designer, Center for Learning and Innovation

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 2006, Indiana Wesleyan University

Philip Millage, 1980-1983; 1986-1997; 2000, Professor of Business, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1976, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

M.A., 1977, Ball State University; M.B.A., 1980, Ball State University

Ed.D., 1990, Ball State University

Alban Willis Millard, 1999, Professor of Leadership Studies; Terry T. Munday Endowed Chair of Life Calling, School of Life Calling and Integrative Learning

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1970, Atlantic Union College; M.A., 1976, Loma Linda University

M.S., 1982, Brigham Young University; Ed.D., 1991, Pepperdine University

Grace Ju Miller, 2009, Professor of Biology, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1980, Duke University; M.S., 1984, University of California-Davis

Ph.D., 1990, Purdue University

Jodi Mills, 2010, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1998, Olivet Nazarene; M.A., 2001, University of Findlay

Matthew Mize, 2009, Associate Professor of Business, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1993, Manchester College; M.A., 1994, Manchester College

C.P.A., 1997; J.D., 2000, Indiana University

Michael J. Moffitt, Sr., 2001, Vice President of Student Development

College of Arts and Sciences

A.A., 1984, Los Angeles City College; A.B., 1987, Fresno State University

M.A., 2001, Bethel College

Isai Jess Munoz, 2012, Assistant Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.M., 2001, University of Cincinnati College - Conservatory of Music

M.M., 2003, The Manhattan School of Music

D.M.A., 2011, The State University of New York at Stony Brook

Nancy Murray, 2008, Associate Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1990, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S., 1991, Indiana Wesleyan University

Ed.D., 1999, Ball State University

Marcus Myers, 2003, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1972, Evangel College; M.B.A., 1993, University of Akron

Ph.D., 2008, Cappella University

Georges Nana, 2013, Associate Professor of Spanish, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A. and B.Ed., 1992, University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon

M.A. and M.Ed., 1994, University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon

Ph.D., 2007, University of Bordeaux 3, France

Terry Neal, 1997, Associate Professor of Nursing, DNP Coordinator

School of Nursing

B.S., 1993, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S., 1996, Indiana Wesleyan University

Ed.D., 2008, Ball State University

Blake Neff, 2006, Lecturer in Communication, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.I.A., 1975, Kettering University; M.Div., 1980, Asbury Theological Seminary

Ph.D., 1982, Bowling Green State University

Daniel Neumann, 2008, Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Sciences, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1979, Augsburg College; M.A., 1986, Webster University

Ph.D., 2009, Capella University

Shirlene Newbanks, 2011, Assistant Professor of Nursing; Coordinator, Post-licensure Division

School of Nursing

B.S., 2007, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S.N., 2010 Indiana Wesleyan University

Kimberly Nicholson, 2008, University Registrar

B.S., 1999, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 2005, Indiana Wesleyan University

Lisa Nieman, 2007, Assistant Professor of Business, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2000, Central Michigan University; M.B.A., 2002, Anderson University

D.B.A., 2010, Anderson University

Lorne Oke, 2007, Executive Director, Center for Learning and Innovation

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1983, Bethel College; M.A., 1992, Indiana University

Ed.D., 2003, Indiana University

Rhonda Oldham, 2010, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1990, Murray State University; M.S.N., 2009, Walden University

D.N.P., 2013, Union University

Brad Oliver, 2008, Associate Dean, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1992, Marshall University; M.A., 1997, Ball State University

Ed.S., 2001, Ball State University; Ed.D., 2003, Ball State University

Joseph Oloyede, 2008, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

H.N.D. (B.S. equivalent), 1986, The Polytechnic

M.B.A., 1997, Enugu State University of Technology

M.B.A., 1999, University of Sarasota (now Argosy University, Sarasota)

D.B.A., 2011, Argosy University

Oladele Omosegbon, 2001, Professor of Economics, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1982, University of Sokoto; M.A., 1992, Lakehead University

Ph.D., 1996, Southern Illinois University

Donald Osborn, 2006, Assistant Professor of Graduate Counseling, Director of The Addictions Studies Center; Coordinator, Addictions Counseling Program, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1979, Lincoln Christian College; M.S., 1984, Indiana State University

M.A., 1987, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College

John Ozmun, 2009, Professor of Physical Education, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1982, Taylor University; M.S., 1985, Indiana University

P.E.D., 1991, Indiana University

Phoenix Park-Kim, 2005, Associate Professor of Music; Coordinator, Accompanists, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.M., 1999, Yonsei University; B.A., 1999, Yonsei University

M.M., 2001, Miami University; D.M.A., 2005, University of Missouri-Kansas City

Debra Parker, 2010, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 2006, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S.N, 2009, Indiana Wesleyan University

Jerry Pattengale, 1997, Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Public Engagement; Professor of History

B.S., 1979, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.A., 1981, Wheaton Graduate School

M.A., 1987, Miami University; Ph.D., 1993, Miami University

Mark Perry, 2008, Associate Professor of Communication; Radio Advisor, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1986, Loyola University of Chicago; M.A., 1989, Northwestern University

Veronica Peters, 2007, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1983, Roberts Wesleyan College; M.Ed., 1991, University of Central Oklahoma

M.S.N., 2008, Indiana Wesleyan University

Debbie Philpott, 2010, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1994, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S., 2005, Indiana Wesleyan University

Ed.D., 2012, Indiana Wesleyan University

Jaime Pitt, 2005, Reference Librarian, Cataloging/Technical Services, Off Campus Library Services

B.S., 2001, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.L.I.S., 2004, Simmons College

Daniel Pocock, 2003, Assistant Professor of Art, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

A.A., 1989, Shepherd College; R.B.A., 1989, Shepherd College

M.F.A., 1993, Rochester Institute of Technology

Daniel Poff, 2003, Associate Professor of Leadership Studies; Life Coach, Center for Life Calling and Leadership, School of Life Calling and Integrative Learning

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1981, The Ohio State University; M.S., 1987, The Ohio State University

Ph.D., 1999, Purdue University

Frank Ponce, 2011, Associate Professor, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1977, Anderson University; M.S.M., 1982, Wittenberg University

Ph.D., 1994, Ohio State

Kersten Priest, 2010, Associate Professor of Sociology, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1980, Columbia International University; M.A., 1998, University of South Carolina

Ph.D., 2009 Loyola University

Keith Puffer, 1993, Professor of Psychology, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1979, Michigan State University; M.A., 1990, International Christian Graduate University

M.A., 1991, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., 1998, Purdue University

Wendy Puffer, 2006, Assistant Professor of Art, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1983, Indiana State University; M.A., 2001, Ball State University

Roberto Ramos, 2011, Associate Professor of Physics, Blanchard Endowed Chair for Physics, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

M.S., 1991, University of the Philippines; Ph.D., 1999, University of Washington, Seattle

Postdoc, 2004, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Joy Reed, 1994, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1981, Cleveland State University

M.S., 1985, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

Brock Reiman, 2012, Vice President/Dean 

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1986, Malone University; M.A., 1990, Walsh University

Ph.D., 1999, Kent State University

Tara Renbarger, 2012, Assistant Professor of Biology, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2006, Indiana University; Ph.D., 2012, Indiana University School of Medicine

Nenetzin Reyes, 2007, Associate Professor of Graduate Counseling, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2001, Baylor University; M.S., 2004, Texas Tech University

Ph.D., 2007, Texas Tech University

Peter Rhetts, 2008, Assistant Professor of Business, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1973, Indiana University; M.P.A., 1975, Indiana University

J.D., 1981, Indiana University (Indianapolis)

Scott Rhoades, 2013, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1995, University of Pittsburgh; M.S., 2006, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Curt Rice, 2008, Reference Librarian, Off Campus Library Services, Northwest Indiana

B.A., 1970, Aurora College; M.S., 1973, Northern Illinois University

M.A., 1979, Wheaton College; M.A., 1989, Northern Illinois University

Paul Richardson, 2001, Associate Director, Undergraduate Business Administration, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1969, UCLA; M.S.M., 1975, Purdue University

M.A., 2009, Indiana Wesleyan University; Ed.D., 2013, Indiana Wesleyan University

Eunice Rickey, 1998, Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

A.A., 1969, Miltonvale Wesleyan; B.S., 1971, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

M.A., 1977, Ball State University; D.A., 2004, Ball State University

Linda Rieg, 2008, Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1980, Edgecliff College; M.B.A., 1982, Xavier University

M.S.N., 1985, University of Cincinnati; Ph.D., 2000, University of Cincinnati

Barbara Riggs, 2003, Professor of Graduate Counseling, Indianapolis Site Director, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S.N., 1978, University of Evansville; M.S.N., 1981, Indiana University

Ph.D., 1988, Purdue University

David Riggs, 2000, Associate Professor of History; Executive Director, John Wesley Honors College

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1991, Azusa Pacific University; M.Div., 1994, Princeton Theological Seminary

M.Phil., 1997, University of Oxford; D.Phil., 2006, University of Oxford

Laura Rigsby, 2013, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1998, IUPUI; M.S.N./M.B.A., 2007, Anderson University

Betsye Robinette, 2000, Professor of Psychology, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1982, Virginia Tech; M.A., 1984, Wheaton College

Ph.D., 1993, University of Tennessee

Harriet Rojas, 1999, Professor of Business Administration; Chairperson, Division of Business, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1976, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.A., 1980, Ball State University

Ph.D., 1998, University of Idaho; M.B.A., 2004, Capella University

Chuck Roome, 2005, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1983, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.S., 2002, Indiana Wesleyan University

Karen Roorbach, 1980, Assistant Provost for Academic Support Services

B.S., 1971, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.A., 1982, Ball State University

Diana Ross, 2011, Associate Director, Department of Advanced Studies for Teacher Leaders, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1971, Trevecca Nazarene University; M.M.Ed., 1994, Winthrop University

Ph.D., 2002, Indiana State University

Melvin Royer, 2001, Associate Professor of Mathematics; Chairperson, Division of Mathematics and Computer Information Sciences, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1988, Purdue University; M.S., 1989, Purdue University

Ph.D., 1997, Purdue University

Carl Rudy, 2008, Assistant Professor of Art; Assistant Chair, Division of Art, School of Art and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2006, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.F.A., 2013, Academy of Art University

Jason Runyan, 2007, Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2001, Wheaton College; M.S., 2003, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

M.S., 2005, University of Oxford; Ph.D., 2009, University of Oxford

Allison Sabin, 2006, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1987, Kent State University; M.S.N., 1990, Valdosta State College

Matthew Sattley, 2010, Associate Professor of Biology, School of Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1998, Blackburn College; Ph.D., 2006 Southern Illinois University

Nancy G. Saunders, 1997, Professor, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1974, Vassar College; M.A.E., 1995, Ball State University

Ed.D., 1998, Ball State University

Beverly Schaefer, 2012, Assistant Professor of Nursing; Coordinator, Post-licensure Division 

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1985, West Liberty State College; M.S.N., 1988, West Virginia University

Ed.D, 2005, West Virginia University

Kenneth Schenck, 1997, Dean of Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University, Professor of New Testament and Christian Ministry

Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

A.B., 1987, Southern Wesleyan University; M.Div., 1990, Asbury Theological Seminary

M.A., 1993, University of Kentucky; Ph.D., 1996, University of Durham

Wayne Schmidt, 2010, Vice President for Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

B.A., 1979, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.A., 1988, Calvin Theological Seminary

D.Min., 1994, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Robert Schultz, 2011, Director, Department of Educational Administration, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.M.E., 1976, Wittenberg University; M.A.E., 1986, Ball State University

Ed.S., 1991, Ball State University

Sarah Schultz, 2013, Assistant Athletic Trainer, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2011, Anderson University; M.S., 2013, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA

Russell Schwarte, 2008, Assistant Professor of Biology, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1992, Indiana Wesleyan University; Ph.D., 2006, Old Dominion University

Mary Seaborn, 1984, Professor of Education; Director, Certification and Student Teaching, School of Teacher Education

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1976, Southern Wesleyan University; M.A.Ed., 1979, Eastern Kentucky University

Ed.D., 1985, Boston University

Mary Ann Searle, 2010, Regional Dean, Kentucky and Southern IN

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1984, University of Wisconsin-Stout; M.S., 1989, University of Tennessee

Ed.D., 1994, Indiana University

Eugenia Shapinsky, 2011, Associate Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1988, University of the State of New York; M.S.N., 1995, Bellarmine University

Ph.D., 2006, Indiana State University

Daniel Shepherd, 2011, Director, Department of Advanced Studies for Teacher Leaders, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1988, Cedarville University; M.Ed., 1994, Indiana Wesleyan University

Ed.S., 2005, Ball State University; Ed.D., 2010, Ball State University

Eddy Shigley, 2013, Associate Professor of Religion; Director, Kern Ministry Program, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1988, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 2000, University of Texas at Tyler

D.S.L., 2012, Regent University

Chan Woong Shin, 2013, Assistant Professor of International Relations, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2001, Seoul National University; M.A., 2004, Seoul National University

ABD, Syracuse University

Jeannie Short, 2004, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1978, Ball State University; M.S., 1983, Indiana University

Marilyn Simons, 1980, Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

A.B., 1975, Asbury College; B.S., 1977, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

M.S., 1979, Wayne State University; Ph.D., 1992, Indiana University

Cynthia Sizemore, 2012, Regional Dean, Northern Indiana

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1976, Northern Kentucky University; M.S.M., 2007, Indiana Wesleyan University

Brenda Sloan, 1979, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1976, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

M.A., 1982, Ball State University

Mark Smith, 2001, Professor of History, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1981, Asbury College; M.A.R., 1984, Asbury Theological Seminary

M.A., 1989, University of Kentucky; Ph.D., 1992, University of Kentucky

Steven Smith, 2007, Associate Professor of Physics, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1981, Wayne State University; M.S., 1984, Wayne State University

Ph.D., 1989, Wayne State University

Katti Sneed, 2002, Associate Professor of Social Work; Director, Social Work Program, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1992, Purdue University, M.S.W., 1995, Indiana University

Ph.D., 2007, Capella University

Joseph Snider, 2013, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership 

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1982, Illinois College; M.B.A., 1988, Indiana Wesleyan University

D.B.A., 2011, Northcentral University

Henrik Soderstrom, 2011, Assistant Professor of Art, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

Design Certificate, 2004, NyckelviksSkolan, Stockholm, Sweden

B.F.A., 2008, Rhode Island School of Design

M.F.A., 2011, Rochester Institute of Technology

Bradley Spaulding, 2002, Assistant Professor of English, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1996, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 2003, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Ph.D., 2013, Ball State University

Roxie Sporleder, 2005, Associate Professor, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1967, Wheaton College; M.Ed., 1990, Northern Montana College

Ed.D., 1998, Montana State University

Keith Springer, 1990, Associate Professor of Religion, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

A.A., 1966, Oklahoma Wesleyan University; A.B., 1969, Southern Nazarene University

M.Div., 1972, Nazarene Theological Seminary

D.Min., 2002, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary

Donald Sprowl, 2006, Assistant Provost for Institutional Research and Accreditation

B.A., 1978, Houghton College; Ph.D., 1985, University of Minnesota

Rose Sprunger, 2009, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 2005, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S.N., 2008, Indiana Wesleyan University

Stephen Stahlman, 1979, Professor of Social Work, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1973, Anderson University; M.S.W., 1979, University of Michigan

Ph.D., 1992 Virginia Commonwealth University

Keith Starcher, 2007, Professor of Business, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1973, Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., 1986, University of South Florida

M.B.A., 1988, University of South Florida; M.Div., 2003, Trinity Theological Seminary

Timothy Steenbergh, 2003, Professor of Psychology, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1993, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 1995, Ball State University

Ph.D., 2001, University of Memphis

David Stefan, 2013, Director, Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1988, Miami University; M.A., 1992, Asbury Theological Seminary

M.A., 1996, Asbury Theological Seminary; Ph.D., 1998, The Union Institute and University

Jill Steinke, 2005, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1981, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.S., 2009, Ball State University

Mari Stormer, 2012, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 2006, Urbana University; M.S.N., 2008, Indiana Wesleyan University

Bruce Stuard, 2005, Director, Department of Public Services and Applied Sciences, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1984, Ball State University; M.P.A., 1993, Ball State University

J.D., 1998, Indiana University

Keith Studebaker, 2001, Assistant Professor, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1979, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.Div., 1999, Asbury Theological Seminary

Todd Syswerda, 2000, Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.M., 1991, Taylor University; M.M., 1994, University of Northern Colorado

D.A., 2002, University of Northern Colorado

Budd Teare, 1991, Assistant Professor of Graduate Counseling, Clinic Coordinator, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1971, Cornerstone University; M.S., 1989, Nova Southeastern University

Ph.D., 2006, Capella University

Adam Thompson, 1999, Professor of Athletic Training; Director, Athletic Training Education, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1996, Anderson University; M.S.P.E., 1997, Ohio University

Ph.D., 2005, Capella University

Jason Thompson, 2006, Assistant Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 2003, Indiana University; M.M., 2005, Bowling Green State University

Kurt Thompson, 2012, Director of Instructional Design, Center for Learning and Innovation

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 2007, Liberty University; M.A., 2009, Liberty University

M.Ed., 2011, Pennsylvania State University

Matt Thompson, 2013, Assistant Professor, Director of Student Transitions

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2003, Taylor University; M.A., 2005, Wheaton College Graduate School

Rob Thompson, 1993, Associate Professor of Graduate Counseling, Coordinator of Student Development Counseling and Administration, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1982, Iowa State University; M.S., 1985, University of Tennessee (Knoxville)

Ph.D., 2002, Indiana State University

Lisa Toland, 2008, Associate Professor of Humanities and History, Associate Director, John Wesley Honors College

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 2001, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 2003, Miami University of Ohio

M.St., 2004, Oxford University; Ph.D., 2009, Jesus College, Oxford, England

Joy Kooi-Chin Tong, 2011, Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1994, National ChengChi University, Taiwan; M.Div., 2002, Singapore Bible College

M.A., 2005, Nanyang Technological University; Ph.D., 2009, National University of Singapore

Robert Townsend, 2006, Associate Professor, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.M., 1983, Western Michigan University; M.M.Ed., 1991, Indiana University

Ph.D., 1996, University of Illinois

Michael Trego, 2010, Associate Professor, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1975, University of Dayton; M.S., 1993, University of Dayton

Ed.D., 2002, Miami University

Mary Alice Trent, 2011, Professor of English, Chairperson, Division of Modern Language and Literature, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1987, McNeese State University; M.A., 2007, McNeese State University

Ph.D., 1995, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Steven Tripp, 2007, Associate Professor of Chemistry, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1996, Indiana Wesleyan University; Ph.D., 2003, Purdue University

David Vardaman, 2007, Assistant Professor of Religion, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1973, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.A., 1978, Western Michigan University

Jim Vermilya, 2006, 2010, Director, Global Engagement and Service Learning

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1997, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.A., 2005, Fuller Theological Seminary

Ph.D., 2011, Concordia Theological Seminary 

Sheila Virgin, 2007, Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1972, Alderson-Broaddus College; M.S.N., 1979, West Virginia University

D.S.N., 1994, University of Alabama

Chris Walker, 2011, Assistant Professor of History, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1993, Olivet Nazarene University; M.A., 1998, University of Indianapolis

Dallas Walters, 1999, Professor of Art, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1972, Graceland College; M.A., 1987, Iowa State University

M.F.A., 1997, Bradley University

Katie Wampler, 2011, Assistant Professor of Theatre, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 2003, Harding University; M.A., 2007, Emerson College

Ph.D., 2011, Texas Tech University

Dave Ward, 2010, Associate Professor of Religion, Associate Dean, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1999, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.Div., 2004, Asbury Theological Seminary

Ph.D., 2012, Princeton Theological Seminary

Jack Wheeler, 1988, Assistant Professor of Accounting and Business, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1972, Southern Wesleyan University

M.Acct., 1975, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Ph.D., 2003, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Bob Whitesel, 2005, Professor of Christian Ministry and Missional Leadership, Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University

B.S., 1973, Purdue University; M.Div., 1977, Fuller Theological Seminary

D.Min., 1989, Fuller Theological Seminary; Ph.D., 2009, Fuller Theological Seminary

Alyne Williams, 2000, Associate Professor of Exercise Science, School of the Physical and Applied Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1994, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S., 1995, Eastern Illinois University

Ph.D., 2012, Walden University

Kent Williams, 1995, Assistant Professor of Business, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1984, Olivet Nazarene University; M.B.A., 2002, Ball State University; C.P.A.

Todd Williams, 2012, Assistant Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.M., 1997, Manhattan School of Music; M.A., 2011, Columbia Teachers College

Wilbur Williams, 1967, Associate Professor of Biblical Literature and Archaeology, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1951, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.S., 1957, Butler University

M.A., 1965, New York University; D.D., 1992, Oklahoma Wesleyan University

Norman Wilson, 2005, Associate Professor of Global Ministries; Coordinator, Intercultural Studies, School of Theology and Ministry

College of Arts and Sciences

A.B., 1974, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University); M.Div., 1978, Christian Theological Seminary

S.T.M., 1985, Christian Theological Seminary; Ph.D., 1993, Trinity International University

Barbara Wise, 2012, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 1983, Eastern Kentucky University; M.S.N., 1994, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Jay Wise, 2011, Reference Librarian, Off-Campus Library Services, Central Ohio

College of Adult and Professional Studies

A.B., 1997, Ohio University Honors Tutorial College; M.A., 1997, Ohio University College of Arts and Sciences

M.L.I.S., 2006, Kent State University

Michael Wisley, 2008, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1976, Franklin College; M.B.A., 1977, Indiana University

Steven Wood, 2013, Assistant Professor of Theatre; Technical Director, School of Arts and Humanities 

College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., 1998, Baptist Bible College, PA

M.A., 2001, Bowling Green State University, OH

Ph.D., 2012, Texas Tech University

Marc Wooldridge, 2007, Professor of Music, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.M., 1981, Indiana University; M.F.A., 1983, University at Buffalo

M.A., 1990, University at Buffalo; Ph.D., 1992, University at Buffalo

Elizabeth Wright, 2011, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S., 1978, Youngstown State University; M.S.N., 1987, University of Akron

Teresa Wright, 2011, Assistant Professor of Nursing

School of Nursing

B.S.N., 2007, Indiana Wesleyan University; M.S.N., 2010, Indiana Wesleyan University

John Wrightsman, 1996, Director, Chaplain Ministries Spiritcare, Student Services

College of Adult and Professional Studies

A.A., 1969, Kentucky Mountain Bible College; B.A., 1975, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

M.A., 1987, Marion College (Currently Indiana Wesleyan University)

Sherri L. Wynn, 1998, Professor, School of Educational Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1975, IUPUI; M.S., 1988, IUPUI; Ed.S., 1994, Indiana University

Ed.D., 1997, Indiana University; M.A., 2007, Beacon University

M.Div., 2007, Beacon University

Sameer Yadav, 2012, Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, John Wesley Honors College

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1998, Boise State University; M.Div., 2002, Master's College and Seminary

S.T.M., 2007, Yale University; Th.D., 2012, Duke University

Muchun Yin, 2011, Associate Professor of TESOL, School of Arts and Humanities

College of Arts and Sciences

B.A., 1993, The Ohio State University; M.A., 1996, The Ohio State University

Ed.D., 2005, The University of Bristol, UK

SuYeon Yoon, 2012, Director, Department of General Education, School of Liberal Arts

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.A., 1986, Ewha University; M.A., 1997, Biola University

Ph.D., 2010, Fuller Theological Seminary

Fanyu Zeng, 2003, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership

College of Adult and Professional Studies

B.S., 1985, Southeast University; M.S., 1988, Southeast University

M.S., 1992, Ohio University

Indiana Weselayan