2013-2014 Catalog


Services for Disabled Students

The process for serving a student with an impairment or disability enrolled in an adult and graduate program is as follows:

  • Students who require special accommodation will be referred to the College’s appointed coordinator of special needs requests. The student will be required to supply a physician’s or other specialist’s verification of his or her special need and a recommendation concerning the nature of special assistance required.
  • Once this documentation is in hand, the Office of Student Services will consult with the university’s designated disability officer (DDO) to ensure that the documentation is complete and in order. The disability officer will determine whether the university can reasonably accommodate the student’s need. The Office of Student Services, in coordination with the DDO, will then recommend a plan of accommodation to the student.
  • The Office of Student Services will ensure that all relevant faculty, site, and student services departments are notified of the plan of accommodation, and that the plan is successfully implemented.

Students who believe that they have experienced discrimination on the basis of a disability can seek resolution by following the steps as outlined in the Student Grievance and Appeal Policy (Non-academic).

Indiana Weselayan