2017-2018 Catalog


MA - Ministry (36 Hours)

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Ministry major begins with completing application forms and submitting them with official transcripts and two personal recommendations. The Office of Student Services shall determine admission status from the completed forms and student file and notify the applicant in writing of the admission status granted. Regular admission to the seminary constitutes admission to candidacy for the master’s degree. The basic criteria for regular admission to the MA program within the seminary are as follows:

  • A baccalaureate or master's degree from a regionally accredited college or university or an institution accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education.
  • A minimum grade-point average (GPA) of at least 2.5 from the degree granting institution.
  • An official transcript from the degree granting institution.
  • Two recommendations including:
    • One from a pastor or denominational supervisor.
    • A general recommendation.
  • A three to four page autobiography and statement of ministry purpose.  The statement of purpose should reflect one's sense of God's direction in relation to Christian ministry or service.

Program Requirements

  • Courses taken at IWU more than seven years prior to admission or readmission to the Seminary cannot be used to fulfill the requirements for this degree.

Transfer Credit

  • A maximum of nine hours may be transferred from another accredited master's program, provided it falls within seven years prior to admission.
  • Students who have taken equivalent courses in their undergraduate program to BIBL-500 The Bible as Christian Scripture, THEO-500 Introduction to Christian Theology, and CHST-500 Global Christian History will be allowed/encouraged to substitute and advanced Bible, theology, or church history elective.

Graduation Requirements

  • Completion of core requirements.

  • Minimum grade of "C" in each core and elective course.
  • Cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
  • All requirements for the degree must be completed within six years of enrollment.
  • Payment of all tuition and fees is required to receive a diploma.

MA Program of Study (36 Hours)

Core Courses

This program is also offered in Spanish and French.
MISS-500Cultural Contexts of Ministry


BIBL-500The Bible as Christian Scripture


THEO-500Introduction to Christian Theology


CHST-500Global Christian History


SPIR-550Spiritual Life and Leadership







Specialization in Children, Youth, and Family Ministry

Graduates of this program should be able to apply a core set of skills in ministry to children, youth, and family in order to participate effectively in God’s advancing mission in the world.
CONG-530Family Ministry for 21st Century Families


PROC-525Effective Communication With Children And Youth


CONG-550Child and Adolescent Development


CONG-540Programming and Management in Family Ministry


Total Credit Hours:36

Specialization in Church Health and Revitalization

Graduates of this program should be able to apply a core set of skills in church health, growth, and revitalization in order to participate effectively in God’s advancing mission in the world.
CONG-555Diagnosis and Prescription for a Healthy Church


MIN-563Power, Change, and Conflict Management


CONG-525Newcomer Integration


CONG-560Church Revitalization Field Study


Total Credit Hours:36

Specialization in Church Planting and Multiplication

Graduates of this program should be able to apply a core set of skills in church planting and multiplication in order to participate effectively in God’s advancing mission in the world.
MISS-550Multiply: Foundations of Church Planting and Multiplication


MISS-552Core: the Calling, Character, and Competency of a Church Multiplier


MISS-553Launch: Initiating Effective New Churches, Sites, and Venues


MISS-554Thrive: Maximizing the Post-Launch Phase


Total Credit Hours:36

Specialization in Leadership

Graduates of this program should be able to apply a core set of leadership, management, and communication skills in order to participate effectively in God’s advancing mission in the world.
LEAD-545Strategic Leadership and Management


LEAD-520Communication and Leadership


LEAD-560Power, Change, and Conflict Management


LEAD-558Missional Growth and Multiplication


Total Credit Hours:36

Specialization in Pastoral Care

Graduates of this program should be able to apply a core set of skills in pastoral care in order to participate effectively in God’s advancing mission in the world.
-Electives from Graduate Counseling Courses


Total Credit Hours:36

Specialization in Spiritual Formation

Graduates of this program should be able to apply a core set of skills in pastoral care in order to participate effectively in God’s advancing mission in the world.
SPIR-530Spiritual Practices


CHST-525Spiritual Traditions


THEO-525Theology of Prayer


SPIR-575Spirit Retreat for the Leader


Total Credit Hours:36

Specialization in Worship Arts

Graduates of this program should be able to apply a core set of skills in worship in order to participate effectively in God’s advancing mission in the world.
WSHP-520Time and Space in Worship


WSHP-540Music and Arts in Worship


WSHP-560Media and Technology in Worship


WSHP-580Emerging Trends in Worship


Total Credit Hours:36

No Specialization

-Electives from Graduate Ministry Courses


Total Credit Hours:36


Indiana Weselayan